Chapter 30 - Breakfast

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I didn't really sleep at all last night. Not after all that drama with Harry. The sun is only just starting to rise now so I decide to get up and start my day. No point staying here, especially since I share a room with Ginny.

Breakfast won't start being served for another hour so I make my way to the kitchen where the house elves are busy tinkering away. 

"Oh hello Miss, what can I do for you?" A podgy elf says to me as I enter. 

"Just wondering if I could sneak a bite to eat before breakfast please?" 

"Of course Miss, anything you wish!" He replies and leads me over to a bench filled with delicious looking breakfast foods. 

"Um, just some toast thanks." I say. 

He loads a plate with 2 pieces of toast, "Anything else Miss?" 

"No that's all, I'll be on my way now. Thank you for your help...uh?" 

"Tumbie, Miss. My name is Tumbie."

"Very nice to meet you Tumbie, I'm Jesinta." I smile politely and leave with my breakfast. 

Its still early so the halls are completely deserted. I sit against a wall in a random corridor to eat my toast and stare out the window as the sun slowly floats higher in the horizon. 

I just sit there for a while, thinking. About Harry mostly and about how things ended with us.

I start to notice a few students sleepily dragging themselves in the direction of the Great Hall. The last thing I want is to run into Harry or Ginny so I leave the castle to take a stroll outside. 

The mornings are getting colder and I immediately regret not wearing a thicker jumper. I don't want to go back to the common room now though, surely Ginny would be awake. Too risky to go back there right now. I'll deal with that confrontation later. 

I sit against a tree by the Black Lake and stare blankly out into the water. 

Draco's POV

It's breakfast time in the Great Hall and as usual Pansy desperately tries to get my attention with her annoying antics. 

"And then I found out it wasn't even the right spell! It was hilarious Draco, you should have been there!" She pesters me. 

"Go away Pansy, its too early to be subjecting myself to the torture that comes with listening to your voice." I look through her as I speak. 

She sighs and saunters off depleted. 

Good, maybe that will get rid of her for a while. 

I look over to the Gryffindor table. Potter is sitting alone, about time his friends realised he's worthless. 

But if he's alone, where's Jess? 

I abandon my bacon and eggs and strut down the length of the table, shove my way through a couple of first years and leave the Great Hall. 

Once I've checked no ones around I pull out my map. 

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." I tap the parchment with my wand and it reveals the castles layout. 

Lucky I managed to catch Harry using this once so I knew how it worked. 

I concentrate on the map, but can't see her anywhere. Seriously she's nowhere in the castle. 

Wait a second, there she is! I couldn't find her because she isn't in the castle at all, she's outside by the lake. 

Jesinta's POV 

"Hey." I hear a familiar voice behind me and a smile creeps onto my face. 

"Draco, Hi." I say turning to look up at him. 

"Could you use some company?" He says. 

"Only if its yours." I reply. 

He sits down on the grass next to me. I lean forward shivering slightly at the cold breeze. 

"You cold?" Draco asks. 

"A bit" I say quietly. 

He takes off his coat and wraps it around my shoulders. "Better?" 

"Much. Thank you." I smile at him. "So Draco Malfoy is actually a gentleman." I say out loud to myself.

"Shhh, don't tell anyone." He grins. 

We sit in silence for a while. Though its not an awkward silence, its comfortable, natural. 

"So what were you doing out here all by yourself anyway?" He asks. 

"Thinking." I say. 

"Is that all?" 

"And maybe I was avoiding certain people." I admit. 

"Well, well, well. Who are we talking about here?" 

I pause, should I even be speaking to him about this?

"I don't want to see Harry. We broke up last night." I finally say.

I  swear I see Draco's face light up at my news. Just for a second.  

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