Chapter 4 - Trouble in Potions Class

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 Its finally Friday, my first week at Hogwarts had been amazing although quite overwhelming. I have Double Potions this morning with Ron, who I’ve become very good friends with over the last week.

We find our seats and I notice Draco sits behind us. Ron slumps down in his chair once he realises. 

"What’s wrong weaselbee, worried about quidditch tomorrow?" Draco says trying to intimidate Ron.

"Shut up Malfoy." Ron mumbled. 

"Even if you get on the team, you better watch out. Slytherin will slaughter you on the field this year!" 

Professor Slughorn enters the classroom and everyone hushes. He takes us through the lesson plan and we start brewing the Wiggenweld potion, which is designed to heal most common injuries. 

"You'll need this potion for tomorrow Weasley." Draco snarled. 

Ron ignored him but I turned to glare at him, he just smirked at me though. I rolled my eyes and went back to the potion. 

"Don't worry about him Jesinta, he’s a troll." Ron said glumly. 

After finishing our potions the second part of class was just theory readings.

The class was silent as we read, Professor Slughorn wanted it that way. However that didn’t stop Draco from taunting Ron. Sending him a note,  I looked over as it unfolded itself on the desk in front of Ron. It was a moving drawing of Ron falling off his broomstick

Ron sends a note back of Draco getting hit in the head with a bludger. As it levitates behind us to Draco's desk Slughorn sees it. 

"Mr Weasley, Mr Malfoy. I don't allow note passing, detention for you both." Slughorn says. Ron looks devastated, I know he's got a big day to prepare for tomorrow. This is the last thing he needs.

"Excuse me Professor Slughorn?" I raise my hand.

"Yes Miss...?" 

"Jesinta Hartley." 

He nods. 

"It was me passing the note, not Ron." Ron kicks me to stop, but ignore him.

"Well Miss Hartley, I appreciate your honesty, but of course this now means detention tonight. For you and Mr Malfoy, see me after class." He states 

I turn my attention back to my textbook. Draco leans forward over his desk and whispers behind my ear, "Cant get enough of me hey Hartley?" 

The next 30 minutes of class goes by ever so slowly. I can barely concentrate, its like I can feel Draco’s eyes staring at he back of my head. I'm tempted to look back to see what he's doing but how strange would that look. 

At the end of class I stay behind with Draco as per Slughorn’s request. He hands us both forms with details on tonight’s detention.

You are to report to Potions classroom immediately after dinner to commence your detention.


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