Chapter 15 - Just Happy

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Being around Draco was like breathing in an addictive drug. The longer I stayed with him the more I never wanted to leave. But our afternoon had come to an end and I was back in the common room finishing off my homework.

Hermione walks in and joins me by the window.

She notices my uplifted mood, "What are you so happy about?" she says.

"Just happy, no reason." I reply.

"Alright I'll pretend to believe that." She laughs.

"Did Ron get his essay done?" I ask her.

"Yeah, I had to do most of it though." She sighs. "Anyway are you ready to go to dinner?"

"Yeah." I pack up my books and we head off to the Great Hall.

As we approach the entrance I see Draco leaning against the wall arms folded. His usual 'bad boy' stance. He sees me and grins slightly.

He looked rather handsome, I can't help but smile back

"What was that?" Hermione says.

My smile disappears "What?"

"Why was Draco looking at you like that? And why did you smile at him?" She says quickly.

I didn't want to lie to Hermione. "I kind of hung out with him today."

We walk through the entrance, "What!?" Hermione says so loudly students turn to look at us.

"It was no big deal." I say as we sit down.

"No big deal? Its Malfoy!" She looks like she had swallowed a fly. Its nice to see the dislike between Slytherin and Gryffindor goes both ways.

"He's not that bad Hermione."

"He is, I've known him since First Year Jess." She says.

"Well its Sixth Year now, maybe he's changed. Grown up a bit."

"I hope your right Jesinta. Just be careful around him."

Just then Harry and Ron join us at the table, Ron wastes no time before stuffing a potato into his mouth.

"Who's Jesinta being careful around?" He says through his mouthful.

"Oh no one." I say before Hermione gets a chance to tell them.

Draco's POV

"What were you doing with that Gryffindor today?" Blaise says.

"What?" I snap.

"Today, I saw you flying around the Pitch with her. Are you befriending them now?" He snickers.

"Of course not."

"Well judging by the way you were looking at her just now it looks like you have a soft spot for her." He adds.

"That's ridiculous Zabini."

Jesinta's POV

Back in my room is sit down on my bed opposite Hermione.

"So what exactly is going on between you and Malfoy?" She asks.

"Nothing really." I say.

"The truth?" She persists.

"Remember that time I covered for Ron and got detention?"


"I guess being the only two people in the room made us get to know each other a bit better. Turns out I get along with him, despite our many differences."

"MANY, MANY differences!" Hermione states, "You two are on opposite sides of the scale! You're good and he's bad. Its a simple as that"

But it wasn't as simple as that, I knew that in bad there was good. I was proof of that. If Hermione only knew me a year ago.

There's was nothing I could say to change her mind though. The truth is I didn't know Draco that well. I've only ever been alone with him 3 times. There's no denying I find myself attracted to him but that doesn't mean I'll let my guard down around him. I've been hurt before and I wouldn't let it happen again.

"Just don't hang out with him anymore. It can only end badly." Hermione says.

"Ok." I give her a small fake smile.

I like Hermione she's a good friend and I know she's only looking out for me but she can be bloody annoying sometimes.

She sees things in black & white, but I tend to live in the shades of gray.

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