Chapter 5 - Detention with Draco

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The rest of my classes past by quickly, it was afternoon and was hanging out with Hermione, Ron and Harry. They were showing me around the grounds. 

"You didn’t have to do that you know." Ron says.

"I know but I wanted you to be able to focus on Quidditch. Besides its just detention."

"Just detention!" Hermione says, I get the feeling she likes to play by the rules. 

"Its not just detention Jesinta, its detention with Malfoy!" Ron adds. 

"I'm not worried about Draco guys, I can handle myself around him." 

"Jesinta, Malfoy is bad news! He's the worse kind of wizard." Harry looks worried for my wellbeing. "Just be careful around him." 

                *                 *                 *

Heeding the warnings from my friends I set off for detention that night. I walk into the classroom, greet Slughorn and sit down. Moments later Draco arrives and sits in front of me, a slight smile playing across his face as he turns to look at me. 

"Tonight you will be writing lines until curfew, you must write 'No note passing is good note passing' over and over." 

Did that phrase even make sense?  

He set several sheets of blank parchment in front of us along with quills and ink. 

"I will be in my office if either of you need anything and I will be back to check you have completed your lines before curfew. You may begin." 

I picked up my quill and immediately started writing. Draco however pushes his parchment aside and sits on the desk facing me. 

"What are you doing?" I ask annoyed. 

"I know a spell to do that for you if you'd like?" He reaches for his wand, points at his quill and bewitches it to write lines without the guide of his hand. "May I?" he gestured at mine. 

"I suppose." And with that mine is bewitched as well. 

"So why did you cover for Weasley today?" He made sure to frown when he said 'Weasley'. 

"He needs to focus right now." 

"I don’t believe that’s the whole reason.” he grins. 

"What do you think then?" Do I even want to know? 

"I think you wanted an excuse to spend time with me Hartley" His ego was building.” You want me, admit it." 

"You wish." I tried my best to look bored.

The next few moments where silent. Neither of us really knowing what to say to each other.

Draco's POV

I'm intrigued by her. I don’t know why, she’s a bloody Gryffindor! 

She watches her bewitched quill, while I watch her. She’s beautiful. 

Her dark brown hair flows down to just above her waist and her tanned skin leaves no imperfections. 

She gets up from her chair and walks around to the front of her desk and leans against it so we are face to face. Barely an arms length separates us. 

"You know, I don’t believe your a bad guy. Despite what people say" She stares me right in the eyes. She’s bold.

"Why would you possibly think that?" 

"I mean I've seen the way you talk to people. The way you were talking to Ron today, even when we first met. You're rude, arrogant, a complete arsehole really. But you know what I think?" 


"I think its all a front Draco." 

"That’s ridiculous!" I have an image around here, and I wont let someone like her ruin it. "You think you know me, well think again Hartley." 

"Why do you do that?" She tilts her head. 

"Do what?" I ask. 

"Call me by my last name?"

I shrug.

"A British thing I guess." She says

"Why? does it bother you?" 

"I don’t like to be identified by my family name. It doesn’t describe who I am anymore." 

"Why not?" I press on.

"Its a long story." 

"Maybe you can tell me sometime?" I say 

"Maybe not." She quickly replies

There’s more silence for a moment. 

"Jess-cinta... I'm just going to call you Jess." I state

She looks into my eyes and smiles "Ok." 

For the rest of detention we just talk, about anything really. Even though she thinks I’m a 'complete arsehole' she takes the time to listen to me and find out more about me. She pretends like she doesn’t care but she’s interested in what I have to say. I enjoyed talking with her. Finding out about her. Not that she let much slip. She didn’t really want to talk about much from her past. She remained mysterious to me, maybe that’s the way she wants it. 

There was something about her. Something that draws me in. 

Its the way she slightly smiles at me when I say something right. How she doesn’t take any crap from me. The fact that instead of listening to her goody goody friends about me she took the time to make up her own mind. 

She sees through to another layer of me and that scares me. 

Beautifully Damned (A Draco Malfoy Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora