Chapter 11 - Malfoy = Trouble

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 I was yet to speak to Ginny, she seemed to be avoiding me. Or maybe she was just so loved up in her new relationship that she forgot all about last night. Here’s hoping its that second one. 

"Ginny?" I walk up behind her on our way back to Gyffindor tower. "Can we talk?" 

"Oh, Jesinta... sure." She turns to speak to Dean, "I'll meet you later." He gives her a quick peck goodbye. 

"Last night got a bit out of hand." I say. 

"I know, I'm sorry I was just upset. And sort of too embarrassed to talk to you about it today." She fidgets with her hands.

"I went looking for you after you left." I start.  

"Oh no you didn't get caught did you!?" 

"No, I was fine. I was just worried about you." 

"I'm sorry I caused so much trouble." Ginny says looking down. 

"Hey its ok, we're teenage girls, we have a right to cause trouble." She smiles at that. "But can I ask, why were you so upset? I mean I had a feeling you liked Harry but you were with Dean." 

"This thing with me and Dean has been going on for a little while now and I really like him but I've always had a thing for Harry. You've only known him a week and already he's kissing you. I guess I was just jealous." 

"I'm not with him Ginny." I say.

"I know. I should have believed you last night." 

"So we're cool again?" I ask. 

"Definitely." She says as we start walking towards the common room together. "Although you should know, if anything was to happen between you and Harry I would be fine with it." She smiles, "I'm gonna give this thing with Dean a proper go."

*         *         *

The next morning it was straight back into classes. I didn't have potions today which was relief because Draco always sat behind me. But of course it couldn't be that easy to avoid him, I'd forgotten he was in my transfiguration class. 

He was waiting at the back of the classroom with a smirk plastered across his face as I arrived. I tried to walk past him without any sort of interaction. 

"Hartley," He was back to using my surname, "You left something behind the other night." He said a little too loudly I worried someone might overhear.

"Was it my tolerance for you?" I snap at him. 

He slowly shakes his head and reaches into his cloak. "This." He holds out my flask.

"Are you insane!? Don't bring that out in front of McGonagall!" I snatch it off him and go to hide it in my bag. But I was too late. 

"Mr Malfoy." McGonagall says, "What was that you just gave Miss Hartley?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." He replied. Did he think she was stupid.

"Miss Hartley, your bag please." I reluctantly hand it over and she pulls out the flask and smells it. 

"I will be confiscating this, 40 points from each of your houses and a 3000 word essay on the dangers of underage alcohol consumption and separate detentions every night for the next 2 weeks." 

What was he thinking bringing that to class? As if he didn't irritate me enough already.

Everyone in the class was looking at us, everyone now knew that at some stage over the weekend me and Draco had drank together. They're faces puzzled as they look on at such and odd pairing. Draco Malfoy and me, Jesinta Hartly. A Slytherin boy and a Gryffindor girl. 

I notice Pansy stinging me with her eyes and decide to sit as far away from her and Draco as I possibly could. From now on I would steer clear of him, I always seemed to get into trouble around him and refuse to let it happen again. 

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