Chapter 2 - A Rude Encounter

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Beep beep beep

I wake up to Hermione’s alarm and start getting ready for my first day of classes. As soon as we are all ready the three of us head down to the Great Hall for breakfast. 

"Oh I forgot to grab my schedule!" I say just as we walk through the entrance. 

"Do you want us to walk back with you? Ginny kindly asks.

"No that’s ok I think I know my way, start without me I'll be back in a few minutes." I turn and easily followed the way I came back to the common room. On the way back however I found myself confused, I'd taken a wrong turn somewhere on the staircases. Being suddenly lost didn't surprise me though, I mean come on, the stairs move! 

I turn to go back and accidentally bump into someone.

"Watch where you're going!" he turns to look at me with a scowl on his face.

"Oh Sorry," I gather my footing and stand upright. "I think I'm a bit lost." 

"Pity I don't care." He turns to leave. 

"Oh wait?" I call out.

"You don’t expect me to help you do you?" He snarled 

"Oh well as much as your exuding rudeness repels me, I wouldn't mind you pointing me in the right direction of the Great Hall?" I say sharply.

He paused for a moment and looked me up and down, "Follow me if you must." 

I silently walk next him not really sure if I should attempt any type of conversation. 

There’s something about this guy that even after only just meeting him makes my blood boil. It was the way he spoke to me as if he was better, they glare he used to express his distain. Even the way he walked, it was more of a strut. 

To my surprise he spoke first. "What are you doing here anywhere? I've never seen you before" still with the scowl on his face.

"I transferred." I replied simply. 

"From where?" 

"Australia." Why was he talking to me. 

"I noticed the accent. I meant what school?" he rolled his eyes at me. 

"Revel Bay Academy." 

He stopped dead in his tracks. "That sounds familiar, I've heard something about that school." He stares at me almost accusingly. 

I know he knows something, perhaps about what happened there last year.  "I don’t know what you mean." I said sternly. I don't want anyone at Hogwarts to find out anything about my past.

He senses my distance from this subject and remains silent. 

After a moment of walking in silence he says, "What’s your name anyway?" 

"I'm Jesinta Hartley" 

"Jess-cinta?" He repeated 

"Yes. And you?" I asked

"I'm..." he paused as a grin appear on his face and looked me directly in the eyes. "Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." 

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