Sorry not a update yet

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Sorry guys but this not an update. I just want you to know i'm having "writers block" so the story  will most liekly take a while, But please don't get upset. I will try really hard to get it done sooner.

But thank you for all the. /votes/ cmts/views/  It means a lot. So have a great day/night and please cmt if i should even go on with this story if not then i'm going to stop this story and begin with a other one that's been on my mind for a while now . but if you want me to go on with this story then i will go on and maybe the other one as well

Ps. I'm aslo helping out a friends/sister with her story just so y'know

All the love frm your dearest DJ'K love ya my sisters/brothers

^-^ :*


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