3.) Who Are You?

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(Zoey's model above)


I pulled back the flaps of the tent and saw the woman sitting in there. She looked frightened, but if she was, you didn't really know. Her eyes were big and she was sweating.

"See?" Ashlyn said.

"You're awake," I said, my heart pounding. "Good. Let's check on your wound."

I walked into the tent and knelt by the woman. I believe Ashlyn called her Zoey?

"Ashlyn says your name is Zoey?" I asked, setting my bag down and opening it to retrieve the new supplies I gathered.

The woman nodded and darted her eyes from the bag to me. Ashlyn sat down next to me and started pulling things out of the bag.

"I'm Tommy," I said. "Ashlyn's father."

"Yeah, I figured," Zoey replied.

Ashlyn grabbed some cleaning supplies and bandages. She handed them to me and helped Zoey lay down so I could work. Zoey lifted up her shirt to allow me to remove the bandage I handmade and replace it with the necessary bandages it needed, along with some anti-bacterial pigment to prevent an infection.

Zoey winced in pain a few times but she didn't seemed too bothered by it. Maybe she was strong or maybe she just didn't like letting people know she was affected by anything.

"That should be okay for a few hours. We can change it again before night. You can stay here in my tent, you'll be more comfortable." I said, packing up the supplies. Ashlyn got up and helped.

"I can't take your tent," Zoey protested.

"I insist," I pushed. "I haven't slept in this tent in a while."

Zoey looked uneasy as she thanked me.

"I'm normally keeping watch or with Ashlyn, she has night terrors and can't sleep." I explained. Zoey nodded.

"Dad?" Ashlyn peeped from the corner of the tent.

"What, Ashlyn?" I asked, picking up my gun.

"Can I talk to you? Outside?" She said in a small voice that reminded of when Maddi used to get shy around me when we first met.

"Sure," I replied. "Get some rest. I'll get you up when dinner's ready."

Zoey nodded and laid down, closing her eyes. I followed Ashlyn outside and sat down next to her.

"What's on your mind?" I asked.

She looked at me then back at the ground. She picked at her nails, something she inherited from Maddi.

"I...it's just," She muttered. "Maybe...she could stay here."

"She will be," I replied. "Until she's healed and can get back on her feet."

"No," Ashlyn sighed. "That's not what I meant."

I furrowed my brows. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying I want her to stay here. Permanently." She replied, meeting my eyes fully this time, which let me know she was serious.

"Ashlyn," I sighed.

"Listen to me," She said, cutting my off. "I know that you're scared of when I start...growing up. Maybe having her around will make it easier, you know?"

I stared at my daughter. Was she crazy? We barely knew this woman and had no idea what she was capable of to receive a wound like that.

But, maybe she was right. She wasn't wrong when she said that I was terrified of her growing up. Having to help her go through things that even I didn't understand. Maybe having another woman around would be beneficial. For both of us.

"How about she stays here until she's back on her feet and then we'll see?" I said.

Hope flickered in Ashlyn's eyes. She nodded, knowing it was the best she was going to get and stood up.

"Where're you going?" I asked.

  "I'm gonna read for a bit." She said softly before disappearing in her tent.


Hours rolled by. I checked on Zoey a few times and she was still passed out. It was like she hadn't slept in years, but that was normal in this day and age. Ashlyn ended up coming out and helping me with dinner.

"You think she'll be hungry?" Ashlyn asked me as I scooped some deer meat into a paper bowl for Zoey.

"I'm pretty sure she's starving," I replied. "I don't know how long she's gone without food and her body needs food to help heal. If she doesn't eat then we'll just have to force her." I glanced at Ashlyn. "I'll be right back."

I got up and went to Zoey's tent. I peeled the flap back just a bit to check on her. She was still sleeping.

I felt rude going in there and waking her up, but she needed food. I had to do it.

I knelt next to her. I took in her features. A strong jawline, freckles, high cheek bones. Her hair was messy and framed her face perfectly. I reached out a hand to touch her face, but stopped myself and reached for her arm instead. I gently shook her and she jumped.

  "It's okay," I whispered as she came to. "It's just me."

She sighed and rubbed her eyes. "What?"

"I...brought you some dinner. You need to eat."

To my surprise, she took the bowl and sniffed it. She met my eyes and I nodded. She had no reason to distrust us.

She used her fingers to eat. She inhaled the food. I reached it a bottle of water and handed it to her. She took a swig and finished her meal before laying her head back down on a pillow.

"Thank you," She whispered. Some color came to her skin just from the food. "For everything."

"There's no need for thanks," I said, placing the bowl on the ground next to me.

"I got really lucky running into you guys," Zoey continued. "Who knows who's out here."

"I know," I replied. "It's hard to find good people now."

Silence came over us. I was about to get up when Zoey said my name.

"I...I think I'm ready to tell you what happened. Why I got hurt."

Instagram: @thefirst_offical

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