9.) We're All Crazy

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Zoey POV-(present time)

Tommy had been passed out for a whole day. Night was here and he was still unconscious.

I did my best to try and come up with reasons as to why he did. The most logical thing I could think of was lack of sleep. Yes, I let him sleep in this morning, but one nights sleep won't make him suddenly better. He hadn't slept in weeks and it was taking a toll on him.

Another reason was dehydration. But I had seen him drink enough to not cause him problems.

Everything pointed to lack of sleep, so that's what I was hoping for.

I sat with him while Ashlyn slept in the next room over. She tried sleeping in here but I made her sleep in the other room. Her dad needed all the rest he could get.

I don't remember taking his hand, but I found myself holding it in my lap. I would squeeze it and hope he'd squeeze back, but he was too out of it to.

I looked at his face. His attractive face. He looked older than he really was. I guess being father took a toll on him. Now that I think of it, I had no idea how old Tommy was. Ashlyn said he told her he had her young, but she didn't know.

I noticed a scar on his eyebrow. Ashlyn was beginning to get one from hitting her head not too long ago. I wanted to run my finger across it. I wanted to see if I could feel it.

Instead, I ran a finger over the one on my forehead. My screams of that night echoed in my head. I remember being completely terrified for my life. I was so scared that I was going to die.

But I didn't, obviously, but it was close. I guess I was still worth keeping around.

Tommy stirred, mumbling. His eyes fluttered open and he met my eyes.

"Hey," I said gently, hoping that would help calm him down. "Hey, it's okay."

He pushed himself up and rubbed his eyes. He looked at me again, blinking.

"What happened?" He asked. His voice was scratchy and soft. I handed him my bottle of water and he took it, taking a sip.

"You collapsed," I replied. "You must've been exhausted."

"That would explain some things," He chuckled. He swung his legs over the side of the bed.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Tommy tried to get up, but he fell back on the bed. Even his body was exhausted.

"Hey," I said, forcing him to stay put. "Just relax. You're exhausted, Tommy."

He made a grunting noise but didn't fight back. He knew I was right.

"I saw her," He whispered. It was almost too quiet. 

"Saw who?" I asked. I sat on the bed next to him. I could feel his body heat on my arm and I shivered, but it wasn't from the warmth.

"Maddi," He said. I looked at him. His eyes were closed and his hands gripped the sheets under him. "She was in the mirror. I saw it."

"You're just tired," I said. "Your mind was playing tricks on you, making you see things. She wasn't really there."

"But she was," He said, louder this time. "I saw her with my own eyes. She was looking right at me, Zoey."

His eyes were filled with sadness. Almost like they were begging for me to believe him.

"I believe you," I finally said.

The relief that took over his face was like a warm glow. His eyes closed and he let out a laugh. He fell back on the bed and ran his hands over his face.

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