11.) Trying To Move On

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10K POV—

"Is she asleep?" Zoey asked in a whisper.

Ashlyn's head was laid on my leg, her arms holding on to it like a stuffed animal. I had been running my fingers through her hair and just letting her know I was here and that she was okay. I guess she fell asleep.

"Looks like it," I whispered back, brushing her hair back. "I don't know how she is, but she is."

"She feels safe with you, that's how," Zoey replied, sitting next to me on the couch.

I pulled the blanket up to Ashlyn's chin. She stirred, moving her arms to her sides. I didn't realize her using my leg as a pillow would make it fall asleep. Pins and needles shot through my leg and into my foot.

"My leg is asleep. I need to get up." I said, gently moving Ashlyn off of me. I didn't want to wake her and have her get scared again. She needed sleep.

Luckily, she didn't even move when I got up. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Zoey helped me up and we moved to the kitchen to talk, plus the walk helped the pins and needles go away in my leg.

"You think she'll be okay after this?" Zoey asked me, leaning across the table.

"She's tough. It'll be hard, but she'll get over it eventually." I replied, sitting in a chair and rubbing my eyes.

She nodded. Something seemed to be bothering her.

"You okay?" I asked her.

She jumped. "Yeah. Just tired."

"You're lying," I said, leaning on my elbows to look closer at her. "I know you well enough to know that you're thinking about something. So, spit it out."

She rolled her eyes but sat down next to me to begin. She met my eyes. "You kissed me, after...everything. Why? I thought you didn't want to be together?"

I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck. My mind went blank for answers.

"I guess I was just happy to see you," I said stupidly. "The fact that you saved my daughter was...I'm grateful, Zoey. Really. I don't know what I would've done if they-"

"Don't think about that," Zoey said, shaking her head. "Just don't. You'll kill yourself over it, otherwise."

I nodded, knowing she was right. Thinking about those disgusting perverts laying their hands on my daughter made my blood boil. A rage I never felt before started the flicker in my body, like a flame, getting hotter and hotter before it got too hot and exploded, destroying everything around it.

"I realized how much you mean to me. How much Ashlyn needs you. How much we both need you." I continued, meeting Zoey's eyes and feeling them turn my blood to ice.

Her cheeks flushed and she looked away. I could tell she was getting nervous.

"Is that a good enough answer?" I joked, making her smile.

"I'll take it." She joked back, rolling her eyes.

It was silent after that. A comfortable silence. Crickets chirped outside, the only sound that could be heard.

"I'll take first watch," Zoey said, getting to her feet and grabbing a gun and her machete. "You get some rest."

"I slept for almost an entire day," I said. "Let me take first watch."

Zoey smirked and rolled her eyes. "Please, just listen to me for once. I'll be fine. Maybe I'll come back in a few hours. Just go, lay with your daughter and get some sleep."

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