10.) Hurt Filled Eyes

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10K POV—(WARNING:this chapter contains contents of sexual assault. Please read with caution.)

His voice was like sandpaper. Deep. Husky. Rough. It sent chills down my spine.

Ashlyn went to run to me, but one of the men grabbed her by her hair. She screamed, sending me into a blind rage.

"No!" I screamed, reaching for her. Another man came up from behind the rest and kicked me in the gut, sending the air out of my lungs. I fell to the floor, gasping for air.

"Alright, alright!" The first guy said, calming everyone down. Ashlyn was sobbing.

I looked up to the men. They all looked horrible. The one holding Ashlyn looked the cleanest, but his eyes glinted with something dirty.

"Now then," The first guy said. "Let's start over, shall we?"

I glared at him as he knelt down to get face to face with me. My blood boiled as he stared at me with a grim smile.

"Hi," He said. "My name is Danny. We ain't gonna hurt you. As long as you give us what you've got." His breath smelled rotten.

"And if I don't?" I hissed.

He got a disgusting smile on his face before he turned to look at the man holding Ashlyn. Danny nodded and the guy put a knife to her throat, making her cry even harder.

"My man Beau over there will kill your daughter," Danny said causally, like he's done this before.

My blood burned with rage. All I wanted to do was kill this guy and all his goons.

"Now, what do you say? Why not help us out, huh?" Danny asked, patting my shoulder like we were good friends.

I didn't reply. I just kept my eyes locked on his. He nodded and stood up, turning around and giving me a perfect opportunity.

I pounced, knocking him to the ground with a bang. His gun skittered away. I didn't care. I would kill this man with my bare hands.

I turned him over and started raining punches on his face. I heard a scream and then felt something collide into me. I was knocked back, pain coursing through my body.

"No! Not yet!" I heard Danny yell.

I stared up at the man standing above me, a rifle pointed to my head. Danny was getting to his feet. The guy holding Ashlyn had her pinned to the ground on her stomach, his knee pushing into her back. She wasn't crying anymore, but I didn't like the look on her face.

Danny stepped over to his friend and whispered something in his ear. They guy lowered his gun, but moved over to Ashlyn.

"Okay, asshole, here's what's gonna happen now," Danny hissed. He spat a wad of blood out, along with a tooth. "Because you did that, we're gonna have our fun now. You see my friends over there?" He was referring to the ones by Ashlyn. "We were gonna kill her. But, that's just not gonna work now that you pulled a stunt like the one you just did. So, instead, my boys are gonna have their way with her, do whatever they want. While they do that, I'm gonna make you watch. Then we'll kill her, nice and slow, make her suffer. Then when she's dead, I'm gonna have my fun with you, before killing you even slower."

When he finished, he snapped his fingers. Everything was a blur. The two men holding Ashlyn flipped her over on her back, one pinning her wrists above her head while the other started undoing her pants. Her screams were haunting.

Danny and the last guy held me down, forcing me to watch as the one guy pulled Ashlyn's pants down. She was kicking and screaming, her attempts to protect herself worthless.

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