21.) The Horizon

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10K POV—

"Easy there," a voice from the opposite end of the gun said. It sounded like a woman's voice. A very familiar voice. "Don't do anything stupid and we won't do anything unkind."

Focusing on the other end of the gun, my eyes found the woman behind the gun, and my heart almost stopped.

Actually, it did stop.

"Warren?" I gasped, watching as her facial expression changed from threatening to shock.

"10K?" She gaped back, lowering her gun. She put her hand in the air, signaling something and when I turned to look, a group of men and women stood behind me, guns pointed. I counted 8 people.

"Lower them," Warren said. He ordering voice didn't change at all. "I know him."

Everyone listened and lowered their guns, aiming them at the ground.

I turned back to Warren and watched as she took a step closer to me, then wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me to her in a giant hug.

"Holy shit," she laughed, squeezing me.

We pulled apart. She cupped my face in her hands, scanning over every inch of my face as she took me in.

She didn't look much different. She had more gray hair and wrinkles, but she still had her prominent eyes and chin.

"My, my. Look at the handsome man you've grown into." She said, lowering her hands.

"Boss," a male voice from behind said. "It's gonna be dark soon."

"You can stay here," I blurted out. Warren gave me a look and I swallowed the lump in my throat. "There's rooms for everyone. There's fireplaces to keep warm and tons of food left. We've been here for a few weeks now and we're safe."

Everyone exchanged a look then looked at Warren for orders.

"We? Who's we?" Warren asked, cocking her hip to one side.

"My family."

Knocking four times on the door like usual, I opened the door ajar, hiding Warren and he group behind me.

"Guys," I said through the door. Zoey got up and started walking to to door. "Don't freak out. But I found an old friend who needs a place to stay."

I opened the door, walking in first, then Warren, then her group.

Zoey's jaw dropped, feet stepping back a bit. Ashlyn rose to her knees, watching with curious eyes as these strangers walked into our room.

"I know what you're gonna say, Zoey, but save it. I know this woman. I was with her and a group for a long time before...I trust her. Which means you need to trust me." I said, cutting Zoey off as her mouth opened to spew out words.

She stared daggers into me, but I would deal with her later.

"I can show you where you can stay." I offered.

I led the group out into the hallway and told them which directions to head to. Some went down the hall and others went to doors just across from us. None of them strayed far, which seemed smart.

"You can have the room next to ours if you want," I offered to Warren, who was just leaning against the wall with a smile on her face. "What?"

"That's Ashlyn, isn't it?" She asked softly. "The one on the bed."

I nodded, my tongue sticking to the roof of my mouth. "Yeah, that's Ashlyn. The other woman is Zoey, my girlfriend."

Warren chuckled, pushing off the wall to step closer to me. "She looks just like Maddi." She says, blinking away the tears that started to pool in her eyes.

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