Chapter 53

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I don't know when I fell asleep, but when I wake up I'm still in Ren's arms on the comfortable bed on the plane. I snuggle closer to him, taking in his comforting scent. After hearing what Lia found out, I can't help but be anxious.

My mom is most likely the witch that wants to kill Ren. Then who's my dad? If he was on it too then surely he must know about my mother's real identity.

No wonder they were pushing me to marry Jake. They were planning on getting me marked by him just so Ren would be weak.

Where do I go from this?

How do I get over the fact that the people I thought to be my parents were just keeping me for the sake of hurting the man I came to love?

"What are you thinking, my love?" Ren asks quietly, stroking my hair in a soothing manner.

"Who am I, Ren? Everything I've known was a lie, a conspiracy to kill you..." I whimper, feeling me throat tighten up. I bury my face in Ren's chest to stop myself from crying.

"You are my mate, my queen, my everything. Even despite everything we've found out, you're still you. I don't care about your past my love, only your future."

"You really don't mind?"

"I don't. All that's important to me is your happiness." Ren states seriously, leaning down to give me a quick kiss.

"I love you so much, Ren. I don't want you to get hurt. I don't want you to die." I frown worriedly, cupping his cheek softly.

"I won't die, my love. I cannot allow myself to die. I will stay with you for the rest of eternity." He declares, cradling me in his arms lovingly.

We stay like this, wrapped around in each other's arms, for quite a while until my stomach starts rumbling loudly, demanding food.

"Sorry." I mumble, making Ren chuckle quietly.

"You're adorable. Let's get you fed, shall we?" Ren smiles adoringly then swiftly gets off the bed and picks me up, settling me on his arm as he holds me to his chest. I don't think I will ever get used to how strong he is. It always manages to surprise me.

Ren effortlessly carries me to the lounge area where we find Thea cuddling with Leo and Skye sleeping curled up against Hunter. I see no sign of Lia or Blake, so I'm guessing they took the other bedroom to rest.

Once I'm gently set on the seat by the window, my sweet man tells me he's going to get us dinner then goes to the back, where the kitchen and the staff room are. He comes back after a moment, immediately pulling me onto his lap and wrapping his arms around me. He keeps kissing my head and nuzzling his face into my hair as we wait for the food to be served. I don't bother stopping him, since I'm as starved for some physical contact as Ren.

The stewardess that brings out our dinner is thankfully not the one that ogled my man earlier. I'm pretty sure that flirty brunette would spit in my food, just to take revenge for her humiliation.

Ren, being the overbearing sweetheart he is, feeds me my dinner, pausing only to give me a quick kiss or take a bite himself. I love it when he's like this. He may be treating me a bit like a baby rather than an adult woman, but I don't mind. How could I when I'm literally two hundred times younger than him? Besides, I've never had anyone take care of me like this, so I want to just soak it up while I can.

Who knows what will happen in the future?

Deciding to return the favor, I take Ren's fork from his hand and start feeding him. I know it must look all kinds of weird for anyone watching us: Ren feeding me and me feeding him, but I don't care. People can say whatever they want about me, but if I want to spoil my man, I will shamelessly do so.

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