Reunited. Part One

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It has been ten years since I was last in the USA and when Father told me I had to return I was thrilled. Those 4 months in the US were the best moments of my life and I was returning to the same place, staying with the same man which was fine by me.

I was given no reason for returning and I didn’t really need one, all I cared about was the fact that I was. Being a typical teenager I told Father I’d go without any problems if he allowed me to attend the Local state school rather than the usual home tutoring. Wanting to be rid of me, it was agreed and I just hoped the reason for my decision was there; Sammy, my only friend.

For the first time in many years, I had opened the little box in which held treasures of the US and studied each piece, remembering the significance of each item before studying the photo I was given.

In it, sat with a massive smile on his little face was a small white haired boy with the brightest, largest blue eyes; my one and only friend Samuel McIntyre. The photo was taken by the teacher one lunch time; two little boys sat next each other, one with a massive smile and the other with a small, shy one. Although I only knew him for a short amount of time, he taught me how to be a normal boy, how to play and gave me my only proper toy, a little green car.

A smile came to my face as I remembered that day.

It was raining so recess was inside. As always I sat on a bean bag watching the other kids play. The little boy who hadn’t left my side for the past week sat next to me and asked why I never brought toys to play with

‘I don’t have any’ was my given reply.

I never made the effort to talk to him, I didn’t know how start to a conversation but was getting used to answering him and his regular presence.

‘Why’ his little face confused and I shrugged. My Father never brought me toys unless he felt they were educational and necessary, he saw no purpose in my having anything else other than the essentials, food and clothing.

He told me he had another car in his pocket and handed the little green to me. I looked down to it confused, I wasn’t sure what to think, or do. I’d never held a toy car before and watched him kneel on the floor and move his Police car across the floor making a siren noise; I was fascinated. After a few minutes I joined him on the floor and mimicked his movements, a thrill coursing through me. I was playing with a toy car and it felt good.

He also showed me how it felt to be important and cared for, how to feel like a child.

Of course when I left I couldn’t keep in touch and wasn’t given the opportunity to say goodbye, but never forgot about him and wonder if he ever forgot about me.

I had spent the first three weeks of school searching the corridors for my old friend, checking the name of every student in my classes, but came up empty.

In that time I wasn’t seeking friends, I was used to being on my own. I avoided the students’ attempts of friendship but gained a few persistent followers which only reminded me of him, he was persistent. But not wanting to be totally alone, I allowed them to sit with me and answered their questions with limited answers. It all seemed like how it was those 10 years ago, only this time I wasn’t the same shy chubby boy.

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