Being apart

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I returned to Denmark with a heavy, empty heart. I shed all tears and grief my last night in the US and since then, been trying to move on with life. I went back to being home schooled, learning and working alongside my Father on auto pilot, the only thing keeping me going was a certain person I left behind. I had wanted to call Sam, but couldn’t bring myself to do so. Distance was the best thing, but I brought myself to send him the odd text from a pre-paid mobile and kept the number hidden so he couldn’t communicate back.

How was he, what was he doing were my waking thoughts, while images of him joined me in my dreams. Memories and what life could have been if I stayed and didn’t have to work for my Father, if I had a normal life, but I didn’t. I’m glad I had the opportunity though, of being a kid and having a real life and friendship, even if only for a while.

A gun shot and sound of a bullet speeding past my ear brought me out of my thoughts. With my own gun already drawn and facing the owner of the shot, I was told ‘focus. If that was the enemy you’d be dead. Or your Father, you’d have a bullet in the flesh’.

I guess lucky for me, neither was the case and it was Donald, a middle aged Italian I was working with. He had the typical Italian look and dressed like a gangster, even wearing the expensive suits. We were practicing a scenario which happens most days because Father was introducing me to what he called ‘the field’. For the past five odd years I’d been introduced to and learning the art of research and computer hacking. With my Eighteenth coming up next year, I was mastering the art of putting combat into practice so I can join my Fathers’ side for real, not the shadow like I do now. I will have my own missions and possible people to eliminate. It wasn’t the life I want, even if they were corrupt.

“Sorry, feeling off today. Think I’m getting the flu” I said lowering my gun. Another shot was fired, this one landing right by my foot

“The enemy won’t care about that. I’ll tell your Father to visit you in hospital with a gunshot wound to your chest” he rebuked “And I suggest you go home and take some medication so you’re on top form tomorrow”  his voice hard and emotionless. No friends or mercy in my world, even in practice.

I quickly raised my own gun again and fired a shot that accurately hit the target, putting a hole through the material of his black suit pants; all by the time he finished his sentence. He looked down and cursed at the damage I made

“Opps” I let out, actually pleased with myself, it was a perfect shot not even scrapping flesh. 

We left the abandoned warehouse where today’s practice was; always a different scenario and not necessarily using weapons. As soon as I got home I headed for the shower to wash off the day’s grime and to relax my aching muscles. It was tough work, all the sneaking around and hand combat. While resting on my bed afterwards in light blue loose pyjama bottoms and white knitted jumper, a maid came in with some tablets telling me to take them, my Father expects me in the club tonight.

“For business or pleasure” I asked in a bored tone, but of course the little Spanish lady didn’t answer. My sarcasm was wasted unless it got back to Father. It wouldn’t be the first time over the past 7 months that it had. I’d had many words and hits over my attitude since my return. Just because I done what was asked didn’t mean I took it all lightly. Donald called it adolescents and a phase I’d soon pass. I hoped not, I took great pleasure in annoying my Father, even it wasn’t directed at him. Donald’s words stopped the hitting though; he told my Father it only fuelled me and I was doing it to get a hit or something, best ignore the behaviour. I didn’t pay much mind to what he said.

Dressed in black dress pants and shoes with a black silk shirt, I joined my Father at the private table in his club. Although he worked at the organisation, like many others’ in the business, my Father had his own businesses like no doubt I would. It kept us paying taxes in a legit way and keeping eyes off us.

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