The aftermath

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The second POV here is written as Ashley(Nick's other friend) I wanted to put in what happened at school and the reactions. Not my favourite chapter to write at all because of the content, but it had to be done.

Christmas came and went, New Year brought nothing new. Things remained the same, but I was ticking off the days, waiting for something to happen; the time when people would take a hit at me again. Sam McIntyre, the defenceless weakling.

School was oddly quiet and so was home. I hardly saw my old man and when I did he literally left me alone, only taking his money. The last time I got any trouble from him was when he stole my savings and Nick found out about how he’d treated me. I often wondered whether Nick had done anything, but what can a kid do to influence a man. He still drank too much and would come home and pass out. If I did happen to cross his path, he’d just offer me a few curse words or remind me I was a waste of space.

Although Nick had suddenly left, I still saw a lot of Ashley at school when I wasn’t trying to avoid the student bodies, always paranoid and waiting for them to retaliate. He was a good companion, but couldn’t ever compare to Nick and I just couldn’t get along with his other friends, especially Kyle. He would rather be anywhere but near me and I didn’t care to be near him either. James and Elaina weren’t too bad, but we’d never become friends. Elaina was too much in your face and James too up himself. Ashley was like Nick though, laid back, quiet and kept to himself. What I didn’t quite understand though, was why he still wanted to hang around with me. I would say it had something to do with Georgia and the possibility he fancied her, but even if she wasn’t around he’d still insist on joining me; if he found me of course. Life was lonely without Nick. I missed his presence in school, especially lunch period when we’d just eat, talk and laugh. I especially missed his evening visits and our Friday’s when we’d sit in my bed watching a movie. I always thought about him and just wished I could call. I had tried his number once, but like I’d expected it was a dead number. I’d heard from him twice though; on Christmas Day and New Years to wish me the usual pleasantries, but the number was private so I couldn’t reply.

Today was like any ordinary day apart from it was January 16th and my Seventeenth Birthday. No special day really, still getting up and ready for school, a little gift from Georgia which was my favourite wash stuff. She always tried to give me practical presents and I was ever so grateful for them. Ashley gave me a store voucher and I was yet to decide on what to buy. After school I would walk to the Garage, do a few hours of work, go home and cook myself some noodles and eat the little cake I brought myself. I’d sit down and do a bit of homework before settling down and reading some more of the book Georgia got me for a Christmas present; yeah, nothing special just because it’s my Birthday.

I was heading out of the school building after school, lost in my own world after receiving a text from a private number that I can only assume being Nick. No one else, other than Georgia and Ashley had my number. It was a simple text, wishing me a Happy Birthday and the fact I was in their thoughts. It was a nice gesture, but a call would definitely have been better. The next thing I know I am face to face with the Kennedy brothers and they looked happy.

“Happy Birthday” they say in unison, blocking my path.

How did they know it was my Birthday was my only thought; not what they would do. I just give a ‘thanks’ and tried to walk around them.

“Don’t you want your present, we’ve waited a while to give it to you” the biggest of them says.

I gulp and take in a deep breath, knowing I had no way out of this and before I could react, I was being dragged off by my arm and the grip was tight. I found myself at the back of the school and next to the large green dumpsters where a few other kids were, mainly my bullies; a couple of jocks and seniors. I now feel nervous and ready to soil my underwear. I’ve been beaten by these guys before, but only one or two at a time.

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