Found. Part Two

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Again, I finished with Ric's POV. Song on side is Mariah Carey - without you. I think it fits Sam's thoughts and their parting perfectly, although I didn't exactly write it. The choice of words in song say's it all in my mind.  I think it fits next chapter too, so may put it there as well. 

It was freezing when I left the warmth of the private plane and stepped foot on US soil again; Luckily Ric was waiting in the car just near the foot of the steps. He’d already filled me in with Sam and I took the decision to come over right away. This was a difficult task with my Father who always commanded my life; I was a puppet on strings that always followed his lead, but now I was cutting one of the strings and he didn’t like it. After a heated argument he finally let me go, but I wasn’t naive enough to believe he trusted my words of visiting Ric and planning a business adventure. I am sure there will be some repercussions over my leaving which will involve being beaten and putting onto lock down. It will all be worth it though and I know Ric had my back; Father had contacted him and believes there is some business we had in New York.

After the second call from Ric a lot of emotions coursed through me, many of them foreign and I was frantic, uncertain. After failing to process how I felt, I came to the conclusion I had to see Sam. I could have left him to Ric; he would take him home and see he was alright, he’d already told me he would, but I missed Sam and needed to be there. My friend needed me.

“How’s he doing” was the first thing I asked when I got into the warm car

“His body temperature is more regulated, but he’s not really talking to anyone”

I could probably understand that, Sam had trust issues and he never knew Ric. I was surprised he contacted him in the first place. Things must have been bad for him to do that, but I’d address it later.

“So he’s going to be alright” for the first time in almost a day, I felt hopeful.

“We can take him if we keep him warm and fed”

I just nodded and wished I could be there now. Sam was found in an abandoned warehouse, cuddled up to a bag full of his belongings by a Security Guard. He was taken to Hospital where he was found to be suffering from Hypothermia. It’s a common thing in the homeless, something they believed Sam to be and he was lucky it hadn’t become fatal. I’m not sure of what I would’ve done if it had and he’d died. Although I wasn’t with him, he lived in me and with the knowledge he wasn’t around, I’m not sure. It would probably eat at me, tear me apart.

We had Sam put into a private room; I’d cover the cost and when I finally entered, another round of emotions hit me. I’m not sure which one was more prominent and exactly what it was, but I just stood in the entrance with my heart racing and body trembling. He was tucked up under blankets; heated ones and attached to heart monitor that showed a good steady heart beat. An IV was going under the blankets which kept him hydrated and probably feeding him nourishments. His gaunt face looked awfully pale still though, but peaceful. Again, he wasn’t the boy I left behind, but in a worse state than the previous time I found him. It broke my heart, I guess; why was life so cruel to him. He was a wonderful person.

Ric nudged me, so I went to the bed side and sat on the white plastic chair, not taking in the room. Was there flowers; should I have brought some.

I slipped my hand under the covers to take hold of his and he moved. I guess it wasn’t a good idea to do that, my hands were probably chilled and he needed warmth. His head moved to my direction and his eyes slowly opened; his large blue eyes that again had lost their sparkle.

“Nick” he questioned in a whisper, his soft voice sounding hoarse.

“Yeah” I choked, holding back the sob that was forming

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