A Few Questions

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Hi lovely reader people!

Thank you so much for reading Opalina Outpost! It's very encouraging to see people vote and add the story to reading lists, but the main reason I post on Wattpad is for feedback and reactions, so I'd absolutely love it if you could answer any of the questions below if you feel inclined!

What did you think about Ravi's personality and character arc? 

What did you think about Lio's personality and character arc?

Who was your favorite secondary character from the rest of the crew?

Those of you who've been around a while know my struggles with pacing and also trying to fit a whole story into an acceptable word count. I tried mightily to keep this one shorter than usual! How was the pacing of this story?

Which plot twists stood out to you?

Where did you find yourself feeling skeptical of events, or confused by a choice or plot event?

What was your favorite scene?

Did any scenes feel particularly slow or tempt you to skim?

I'm STUCK on the genre of this story. I think of it as soft SciFi, but it's not actually set in our world. Do you think it's better off as SciFi, or Fantasy? Can you think of any comparisons (books, movies, TV shows, etc.) that seem to have a similar genre?

If there were to be a hypothetical sequel, which characters would you be most interested in learning more about/seeing their POV?

Anything else you want me to know?

Your feedback is a great jumping off point for revisions. Thank you so much for your help!

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