Chapter 6: Opalina Outpost

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Ravi lay on his back, humming tunelessly under his breath. The sound was swallowed by the louder hiss of the running shower, and he looked at the washroom door for the millionth time. Lio was in there. Lio, who had turned out to be twice as fucking amazing as he had hoped.

He burrowed among the scattered pillows and stretched, wrists jamming against the headboard and feet dangling off the bed. Goddess, it was good to wake up so content. Only a few hours of sleep once they'd finished each other off a second time, and he'd pay a price for it later, but Lio was worth it.

The thought flitted through his mind that he should just slide into the shower. Watch the water coursing over Lio's body, steam catching in his lashes, soaking his long hair—Ravi flipped a pillow over his face and groaned. That was an image he didn't need taunting him. The night prior had been negotiated and getting in a shower together the morning after wasn't part of it. Maybe next time. If there was a next time.

When the door finally opened, Ravi peeked from behind the pillow to watch Lio cascade back into the room with a cloud of warm, soap-fresh air. He had never been so disappointed to see a man wearing clothing. But Lio beamed at him, and disappointment vanished.

"Hi," Ravi said, into the pillow.

Lio collapsed gracefully onto the edge of the bed next to him. "Hello." A warm hand curved over Ravi's shoulder. "Feel okay?"

Discarding the pillow, he caught Lio's hand and kissed his knuckles before sitting up. "Yes. Better than okay. Give me a minute though." He launched himself toward the washroom and stopped in the doorway. "Don't leave yet."

Lio leaned back and twitched an eyebrow at him. "I won't run away. Promise."

Hopefully that would hold long enough for him to brush his teeth. Last night, after he'd cleaned up and tumbled back into the bed, Lio curled in the crook of his arm for only a moment before muttering something about going. He'd expected it, or at least he'd told himself to expect it, but he still tried to coax him to stay a little while longer. To his surprise, it had worked. The second time Lio sat up, sometime in the gray early hours, Ravi had just slung a hand out and pulled him back down into his arms. Even if it was several hours too short, it was the best night he'd had in years.

Mouth scrubbed and face washed, he rushed back to the bedroom and plowed headfirst onto the mattress, which made Lio laugh. "Speedy morning routine, I see."

Ravi stretched on his side, propped up on one elbow. With his free hand, he tilted Lio's chin toward him and kissed him. He meant for it to be light, and quick, and it was neither of those. Somehow he ended up on his back, trying not to beg, with his heart thumping in his chest and Lio's mouth undoing all logic in the universe. Again. Again, again, again.

Lio drew back and pecked his nose, and Ravi tried to catch his breath.

"You're sure you can't—"

"I have to get to an appointment," Lio said. But he sounded as if he regretted it, and his gaze swept down the rest of Ravi's body like a physical touch. It left him weak. There weren't many guys who could do that to him with just a glance.

Maybe it was stupid, considering how clear it was that this was meant to last a single night, but he'd kick himself if he didn't at least ask. "Listen, I know—" he pushed back up onto his elbow "—this was supposed to be a one time thing. But..." Lio eyed him, a sidelong look. His expression was more guarded than at any point since they'd met. Ravi finished in a rush. "Maybe it could be a two time thing. Or a whenever thing, and we don't have to count."

"Ravi," Lio said quietly. "I don't want to mislead you—"

"You're not. I'm saying I like you, and I liked...everything, and I'd do it—I mean, you—uh, shit. I'm fucking up trying to tell you I'd like to see you again. If you're interested." There was more risk involved than he wanted to admit, but he could deal with that later.

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