Chapter 10: Test Launch

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Ravi did his best not to hover as the inspector from the ziggurat glanced over newly cleaned rooms. She moved at a more rapid clip than he was accustomed to from inspectors. Probably didn't think there was much to review. Even in its best state, Opalina didn't exactly pass for impressive. Part of him wished he could show her images of how bad it used to look, and maybe then she'd believe this was an improvement. She stuck her head into the storage room, sniffed, and withdrew. Her nails ticked against the slate in her hand as she made some note and swung toward the final room on the list.

He almost protested, but what the fuck was he supposed to say? No, really lady, please go into the storeroom and examine the alphabetical organization of canned foods. A major accomplishment for this unit. Instead, he followed as she crossed the tunnel to the mess hall, where Jossen had the crew assembled.

Bright white light and the smell of fresh paint spilled from behind the door as it opened. One of the inspector's carefully drawn-on eyebrows lifted marginally as she examined the space. With the crew's help, Rosareen had delivered. One wall was the pale, morning blue of the desert sky, and another was adorned with rows of tiny, spiky plants fed by a hydroponic system Onfenka and Yorune had rigged up entirely from junk parts. The inspector turned to survey the crew, standing in a line and gazing warily back at her. Jossen puffed his chest at the end of the row.

"Well," the inspector said, "it's rough, but that can't be helped. You've done alright with it." She tapped something on her slate and looked up at him. "Congratulations, Com Endessen. Opalina has finally passed inspection."

"Yes!" shouted Duhar, over several whoops and squeals from the rest of the crew. Ravi made the mistake of looking at Lio's grin. His stomach curdled, and he swept his gaze back to the inspector.

She glanced back at the giggling line, and beckoned him to the door. "Com Endessen, if you'll walk with me, I have one more thing to discuss."

"Of course."

Out of sight of the crew, she angled her head toward him. "Have to say, I don't usually get that much enthusiasm for a routine premise inspection. This place needs a real win."

"We're working on it," he said.

"Glad to hear it. Maybe mention the same to Archcom Huseda when you see her. She asked that I inform you that you're to attend the test launch viewing at the ziggurat." She waved a finger at him as soon as he opened his mouth. "Don't bother trying to get out of it. It's required attendance for all coms in the region, and that includes you. You can wear your dress uniform, although formal wear is better if you have it. I'm forwarding you the details now." Another sharp series of taps on the slate, and she paused just inside the entrance. "Oh. And one last thing, you've got a recruit going as well, I believe. The dispensation should've landed in your slate this morning."

Ravi's gut churned. In the flurry of final preparations, he hadn't yet checked the missives from the morning. Some part of him knew it was a lost cause already, but he spoke through gritted teeth. "I didn't grant any dispensation requests from my crew—"

"This one was granted by the Archcom." The inspector shrugged. "Rich kids," she tacked on, as if that was an explanation. Ravi forced a smile, but he knew it didn't completely hide his seething. He returned her perfunctory salute and dragged the entry door shut behind her with more force than needed.

He stood for a moment in the hallway, listening to the continued celebration in the mess hall. In a minute, he needed to go in and congratulate the crew. Build optimism and momentum. Later, he could figure out how to respond to what was clearly a pattern on Lio's part. No crewmember of his was going to get used to dispensations granted just so they could go to parties. It was time Lio learned he wasn't on a fucking vacation.

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