Chapter 11: Spoiled Brat

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Lio glared at his own reflection in the tinted glass of the hov window as it pulled away from Archcom Huseda's party. He wasn't entirely sure if he was fuming because of the exchange with that blustery idiot of a Mastali expert, or because of the way Ravi had towed him out the door. Not that he'd wanted to stay a minute longer. But the com should have at least asked him if he was ready to go instead of dragging him along by his wrist like a tantruming toddler. Everyone was intent on offending and humiliating him tonight.

In the seat opposite, Ravi had already pulled out his damn slate and was busy tapping away at it. Probably constructing a checklist that involved Lio scrubbing toilets again. He glared out the window, but there was nothing to see. The town lights faded behind them, the hov shining a single beam ahead that only illuminated endless dirt.

He was sick of going out of his way to prove himself to Ravi. Everything the com had asked of him, he'd done, and not a single word of gratitude or even acknowledgement came his way for his efforts. Narrow-eyed, he peered at Ravi again. Enough of this.

"You know," he said loudly, "I didn't appreciate being marched out of there as if I did something wrong."

Ravi didn't look up at him, but his hand stopped scrolling on the slate. For a long moment Lio thought he might maintain his sulky silence, which would have been unspeakably immature of him. But then he said, "That conversation was going nowhere. I did you a favor getting you out of there."

"A favor? You were helping, by treating me like a child in front of everyone? I'd prefer if—"

"You were acting like a child. And I don't care what you'd prefer. If one of my recruits is making our crew look bad, I'm going to stop them."

That was rich. As if he'd besmirched Opalina's stellar reputation. Ravi just didn't want to admit to the truth, which was that he couldn't get over feeling foolish about the night at the bar, and likely intended to take it out on him until the end of time. Lio swiveled away from the window, wrenching his seatbelt around so he could face the com.

"You know what I think? I think you have a personal problem with me. I think you're ridiculously sensitive about a stupid situation that you can't let go of, just because it undercuts your big, tough, com image."

The cover on the slate slapped shut, and Ravi glared at him. Light from the nav console glittered in his dark eyes. "I do have a problem with you, Lio, because you're a spoiled brat and a liar and I'm pissed I didn't figure it out faster."

He felt a bit like a lightship crashing into a wall. "Excuse me?" He tried not to shout, and failed. "I didn't lie! I didn't know who you were! And you didn't say anything either, so how are we not equally responsible—"

"If you had been where you were supposed to be, that night never would have happened." Ravi barely opened his mouth to let the words out, a vein in his forehead pulsing. "Your dispensation was up, but you didn't give a fuck. You were going clubbing, remember? Because the rules don't matter to you, and there are no consequences for all the times you break them."

"But I've been trying to repair things! I've accepted all the punishments you've doled out. Finished every task. You've seen it."

"That's not repairing anything and those aren't punishments. That's called doing your fucking job." Ravi closed his eyes and pressed his hand across his forehead. When he opened his eyes again, his gaze was cold. "Let me ask you this. Before I came to Opalina, what were you doing with your time?"

Lio crossed his arms and returned the withering gaze he was receiving. "I was conducting research. And building a sense of camaraderie among the crew. And yes, I'll admit I was loose with my dispensation hours, but I've resolved to be better about that, and that's hardly Opalina's primary challenge anyway!"

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