Chapter 29: Old Friends and New Assignments

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Lio woke unnaturally early. Grey-blue light spilled in from the porthole windows near the door, seeping across the floorboards and the bed. Anxiety had roused him from the sleep he badly needed, but Lio beat the nerves back long enough to set his cheek on his hand, staring at Ravi in the dim light. He looked so perfectly peaceful, his head thrown back on a pillow, lips gently parted. Just looking at him made Lio's pulse slow.

Ravi loved him. He still couldn't quite believe it, and kept replaying everything Ravi had said last night, the look in his eyes, the way he'd kissed like he'd given up all defenses. Lio knew he'd been entrusted with something precious. Reverently, he traced his finger along Ravi's bare shoulder. That such a good person was willing to imagine a future with him could only be a goddess blessing.

They wouldn't have many mornings like this, at least not for some time. Once the com announcements were made, he would have to turn his attention to his own plans. Or lack thereof. The only kind of unit he was really qualified for was an Engagement unit, and he could think of plenty that would be happy to have a link to the Suzerain, but the prospect made him want to hide under the bed. No matter what posting he got, they wouldn't permit him to be a Fennec region recluse any longer.

Nerves bit at him again, and this time he couldn't soothe them. After a few minutes of snuggling closer to Ravi, trying to lull himself back to sleep, he gave up and slid out of the bed for the bathroom. Alarms would be going off soon anyways, rousing them for their early trip back to the Commissioners.

He didn't precisely know what he wanted, beyond a relationship with the most incredible man he'd ever met. But wonderful as Ravi was, he couldn't be the entire scope of Lio's future. And regardless of Ravi, Lio refused to wander aimless through his life. Problem was, he wasn't sure what he wanted to start working toward next.

Water rattled into the little sink, and he found a packet of toothbrushes and paste sachets in the sink drawer. It wasn't as though he were completely talentless. He could make something of himself. It just might feel more like a slog than he'd hoped. His passion was Opalina, and it did no good to pretend otherwise. Maybe someday he'd find something else that would make him feel half on-fire with curiosity and optimism. Perhaps he was just lucky to have found it once, even if he couldn't keep it. Plenty of people worked jobs they didn't love and were just fine. He could do it.

He rinsed the foam from his mouth and investigated the shower. It was a sparse affair, but it did the job. Clean and fresh, he slipped back out to the dresser opposite the foot of the bed. Someone had stocked it with uniforms in all sizes, but he was feeling too sentimental. He changed into new boxers and pulled on his lake-water stained, dirt-spattered Opalina garments.

A faint creak from the mattress made him look up. Ravi shifted and sat up in the bed, rubbing his eyes.

"I didn't wake you, did I?" Lio padded back toward the bed and ran his hand over the outline of Ravi's legs beneath the blankets.

"Nah, my alarm went off while you had the water going," Ravi said, nodding down at the holowatch he held. "How'd you sleep?"

"I'd rather have slept more but—" He gave Ravi a nervous smile. "I'm a bit keyed up, I think."

Ravi's dark eyes were achingly tender, and he reached out to touch Lio's cheek. "It'll be alright. Whatever happens."

"Yes. At this point, I just want it over and settled." He leaned into Ravi's touch, scooting closer. He cupped Ravi's extended hand in both of his, kissing the center of his palm. "I've scrubbed up as best I can, if you want the shower."

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