Chapter 16-Shark Attack

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Nobody's POV

The shark crashes into the boat, splitting it into thousands of shards. Lucky with the necklaces they could track it down. "Quickly, it's over there" (y/n) points. As they follow the shark, (y/n) starts to grow tired. "I'm exhausted" (y/n) says with a sigh. "You must persevere (y/n)" Jade encourages.

"Yeah, lets hurry" (y/n) replies

They managed to corner the shark near a beach. "Quickly, hand over the water!" (y/n) says. Brianna tosses it and (y/n) catches it, then immediately pours the water on the now stranded shark. With a bright flash of light, the Ocean King was back to his true form. "Thank you for returning me to my normal state, young adventurers." he says "You have my gratitude if you ever need something, I will be happy to help." and then he returns to the ocean.

"Well, guess that's that" (y/n) says.

"(y/n)!" a voice from the ocean says.

"Huh? Who's there?" (y/n) says walking towards the ocean.

"It's me!" Emma says "I just wanted to thank you one more time before you left, come a bit closer"

"I don't see anyth-" (y/n) starts to say before he's cut off. Emma had kissed him on the cheek. Leaving Jade in hysteria. "What do you think your doing?!" Jade yells at Emma. "tee-hee" Emma giggles then returns under the ocean. (y/n) still frozen in place, is as red as a tomato. "Hey (y/n) come on." (y/n) snaps out of his trance. "O-oh coming" he says running up to the girls. Jade was yelling at (y/n) and then pouting. "Why would you go over?" Jade continues to ask. (y/n) sighs and kisses Jade on the cheek. "There, that good enough?" (y/n) says. "not enough" Jade pouts with her cheeks puffed.

As the 4 continue along towards the mountain, where the airship was waiting for them. They hear a scream, followed by a THUD. "quick lets check it out" (y/n) says dashing towards the source of the of the sound.

The girls follow him and reach him right before he screams "WHAT?!" as the girls see who fell from the sky. They see another girl who is confused on as she looks at her surrondings. "Where am I?" she says "And whats th-wait (Y/N)?!" she says after making direct eye contact with (y/n). "You know this girl (y/n)?" Amy says raising an eyebrow. "Well, yes she's my childhood friend from my world." (y/n) replies "Her name is Ava"

"You own me an explanation (y/n)" Ava says.

"Guess I have to." (y/n) says "So here's how, what, where, and why all this happened..."

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