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The ringing of the bell saved me from the hands of Mr Sam,for the past few days,he decided to join hands with Lucas and my mum to make my life a living hell just because I never showed up to study with Lucas, everytime he walked into class,I was always the first person he would call to answer a question and trust me,I answered every question correctly because I have been studying on my own.

He was dictating a note on Nigerian Federalism for us when Jace walked into our class."Good morning,Sir"He greeted Mr Sam.

"Morning,is it time?"

"Yes Sir,it's time for sports"He replied as he looked at all of us before leaving to announce to the rest of the school.

A smile made a way to my face,not because I saw my handsome boyfriend,I just needed a break from all these academic activities,Mr Sam left shortly,my classmates ran out immediately,leaving me all alone,I brought out my tracksuit from my bag and moved to the changing room.

I walked back to my class to make sure all my things were in order,I didn't want to be a victim of theft,it was usually sport time that people's items are stolen.

"It seems someone is excited for sports today"A masculine voice spoke from the door.


"Oh,hey babe"I smiled at him.

"I'm not actually excited,I just want to enjoy my last days"I added.

"I see,I hope you aren't participating because your legs need rest"

"I might"

"You won't"

He walked slowly towards me,I stood there looking at him and muttered to myself"This guy is actually my boyfriend,I hope this isn't a dream because it won't be funny"

"It's not a dream,I'm yours"He gave me a reassuring smile as his hands snaked around my waist.

"How did you hear that?"I questioned because I muttered to myself in a very tiny voice.

"I have sharp ears"

"You look really pretty today"

"And this new hairstyle of yours,I'm looooooving it!!"He touched my hair as spoke in a feminine high pitched tone which made me giggle before I could reply.

"Don't ever speak in that tone again"I said amidst my laugh.

"You don't like it"He pouted and gave me the puppy dog eyes.

"Will you stop being so cute?"I hit him softly on his chest before we burst into hearty laughter because of our facial expression.

"Okay,let's go downstairs,you know this isn't the first time we are late for sports"He stated as he paved way for me to leave first.

We got downstairs,he left to meet our sports master to discuss whatever thing related to it,I was left with some of my classmates who were in Blue house,I looked around for Kim since she was the head girl and also a senior in Blue house but she wasn't anywhere to be found neither was my brother.

Those two must be somewhere commiting iniquity

I can bet on that.

"Okay,blue house,line up quickly!"I ordered.

They formed a bee line immediately they heard my voice,I wasn't the kind of senior you could disobey,I'm not harsh neither am I a tyrant,I'm just a cool senior that hardly gets angry but when I do,it's not a sight to watch,so that was the reason,they obeyed without hesitation.

I looked around to make sure every junior in blue house was in the line,my eyes managed to fish out two female students who were busy sitting down and discussing whatever.

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