Chapter 18-Suprise guest

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We were on his way to his room when Joan stopped us

Stopped Jace not me

"Happy birthday,handsome"She pecked him on his cheek.


"Muffin,go upstairs,the second room on your left is mine"He added directing me.

"Okay"I muttered and walked away leaving him with Joan.

I wonder what they wanted to discuss but anyways it is not actually my business so I cared less.I followed his directions and got to his room,it was sort of empty,just a bed and some few things in the room, I guessed since he doesn't live in his father's house,his room won't be filled with things.

"This used to be my room"A voice said from behind as he closed the door.

It was Jace

"I know that"I replied as I stood up.

"I like the gift, thanks a bunch"He grinned as he came closer.

"You look extremely glamorous"He complimented as he took another step closer.

"You have told me that before"I rolled my eyes as I took a step forward.

"I just wanted to remind you of how bewitching you are"He stated with another step forward.


Compliment him you idiot!

"And you look charming"I remarked.

We were already close to each other,we locked our eyes in a gaze for some minutes, before his eyes wondered down slowly and stopped at my lips.

"Why are you so irresistible"He whispered as he leaned closer.

I closed my eyes waiting for him to lock his lips with mine as soon I scented his cologne and smelt his minty breath,I wanted to kiss him again.

He paused when his phone vibrated,a frown appeared on his phone immediately he read the message,he walked out without a word leaving me to wonder what happened.
Out of curiosity,I followed quietly so he won't find out,he entered a room and was having a conversation with someone,as usual I eavesdropped

I'm just curious

Okay fine it's becoming an habit


"Don't call me that! I'm not your son maybe I was but I'm not yours anymore"

"Listen to me"

"What do you want?!"

"You should be happy to see me"

"I should be happy to see you?!I was even expecting an apology"

"You disappeared and after 14 years you are back and you expect me to embrace you in a hug"

"Woah"He clapped his hands in mockery

"I'm sorry,I can explain"

"I don't want to hear it"

"Just go back to where you came from,you are not welcome here"

"Give me a chance to explain"

"Explain what exactly?!Where were you when I needed you for 14 good years?!,you show up hoping you could surprise me then I would jump and embrace you, please leave"

"Jason!,listen,I'm not going to leave until you listen"

"You don't want to leave then fine,I will leave if you don't want to"

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