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Hi,guys 🦋✨,I'm here again with another chapter 💕,I'm not gonna waste your time with an A/N👀 but this might not turn out to be the best chapter because I wrote this exact chapter but it got deleted or should I say I wasn't careful so I didn't save it 😣💔 and it disappeared so I had to rewrite it,anyways enjoy ✨💖.


I checked the time on my phone,it was 3PM,I have been studying for the past three and half hours,I stood up from my chair and stretched my body,my butt ached like hell.

I haven't let anything distract me,I made my studies my number one priority and Lucas tried every means to use that as an opportunity to get back into my life.

My room door bursted open as Maya walked in,"There's something called Knocking,only armed robbers don't obey that rule."

I earned an eyeroll from her,"So you aren't even ready yet?"She asked as she observed me,I was dressed in my pajamas.

Yeah,you are wondering why I'm in my PJ's,I haven't taken my bath since morning,I did my house chores and dived into my books and I got lost of time,"Ready for what?"I questioned, obviously confused.

"Don't tell me you have forgotten,your books won't remember anything."She walked past me towards my wardrobe.

"Madam,what are you talking about?,is there a family event today?"I followed her to my wardrobe.

"If you want to borrow my clothes,you need to ask."

She face palmed herself and shook her head,"You have a date with Jace today."She said and I gasped in shock.

"OMG!!!,I totally forgot about the date,it's after 3 and I'm not ready yet,I don't know or have what to wear and my hair is a complete mess."I panicked as I ran to the mirror to check my hair.

"Sheeesh,calm down,you have alot of clothes in your wardrobe and your hair isn't dirty right?"

"Yeah,I have clothes but I don't have outfits for a dinner date and nope,my hair isn't dirty,I washed it yesterday."I replied hastily as I scanned through my wardrobe.

"You are speaking Spanish biko,the clothes you have is enough to open boutique."

"Stop acting as if mummy doesn't buy your clothes,you are the last born for God's sake."

"Won't you take your bath first?"She asked.

"No,let's look for what I will wear first."I suggested.

"Okay,what about this crop top and black button up skirt?."

"No,it's too......I don't like it abeg"I took the clothes and threw them on my bed.

"What about this one?."I picked a pink ribbed tee and jeans.

"It's too casual,it's a dinner date not a movie date."

"What about this ruffled shirt and jeans?"




"Denim dress?"


"This polka dot dress looks okay."

"No,it's not,we need something that has the mixture of sexy,casual, comfortable and modest."Maya stated.

"This one?."


Our yes/no session was interrupted by the doorbell,my eyes widened,Maya held my hands unconsciously very tight,we both screamed,"He's here!!"

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