"Don't take this the wrong way, Lauren. I know you hated the guy..."

"Hate still," I interjected this time.

"Okay, you hate Axel. That's established."

"MmmHmm..." I nodded.

"But he's hot." she stopped. "Hot as... the scorching fires of hell."


"I mean, come on, I'm not blind! And don't you think it's fate that keeps bringing you together?"

"Why does everyone think that? I'm sick of that word, I've heard enough of it for today."

"Sure, the guy's a jerk..."

"An asshole!"

"Oof, okay."

"I'm sorry." I apologized, calming down.

"None taken. But maybe... just maybe. I don't know. Why don't you just try and give him a chance? He may actually surprise you."

"Oh,  he had surprised me a lot in the brief time that I've known him. And besides, I have no choice. I have to date him or I would be out of  Harper's good graces. And I really like her, Hailey. She's so nice, she  might be the best boss I'll ever have."

"Are you sure you don't want to date your new boss?"


"I'm just kidding!" she chuckled.

"I didn't know that I'd be stressed out on my first day of work just because of a certain asshole." I groaned in exasperation.

"Well, ain't that just peachy. I guess you just have to figure out how to date an asshole." Hailey said.

"I guess so. Wish me luck, Hales."

"Oh, you won't need luck, Lauren. You'll need condoms." she laughed maniacally.

I almost jumped in surprise. "What? Ew, Hailey. I would never have sex with him."

"Oh, come on! You wouldn't hit that? And I told you, never say never!" she said in her most New Yorker accent.

"What are you? Justin Bieber?"

"I'm  just saying, don't immediately eradicate the idea of him." She sighed.  "Or I'll just speak your language. The only way to beat someone is to think like them."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"If you don't want to be played, you have to play the game. Be a player, not a ball."

I shook my head. "You're not making any sense."

"Oh, believe me, I am making perfect sense."

"Whatever, Hailey. I got to go anyway; I need to grab some dinner."

"Alright." she sighed.

"Oh, come on. We'll talk later."

"Okay. Take care, Mrs. James."

"Oh, just shut up now."

She laughed.

"Okay, I really need to buy something to eat now, Hailey. Bye!" I said.

"Uh buh-bye," she said then dropped the call.

Oh, to be Hailey's best friend.

* * *

I  went to a nearby 7-Eleven and just bought a sandwich for dinner. I  needed something fast and available. Restaurants are full at this time of the night and I'm not pathetic enough to eat alone at a table for two.

I was about to bite on my sandwich when my phone started ringing. What now?

Huh, Unknown number.

I let it ring for a few more times before answering it. I didn't speak. I have to know who's calling first.

"Hello? Is this Lauren?"

"Who's this?" I asked.

"It's Axel."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "What do you want? And how did you get my number?"

He chuckled, "I got your number from Harper."

I closed my eyes. Why would she do that? She didn't ask for my consent.

"What do you want?" I repeated.

"I want to talk about our date."

My stomach gurgled. I need to eat.

"What date?" I ended the call then turned off my phone.

I  can't be bothered right now, especially when a perfectly good sandwich is literally in front of me, begging to be inside my stomach.

I finally took a bite. So good. At this point, anything you feed me will taste good. I am that hungry.

After finishing my sandwich, I stopped by the supermarket and bought some groceries. As I got out of the store, the cold breeze hit my face. It's getting really close to Fall. I felt my lungs expand as I breathe in the almost autumn air, I exhaled noisily as I remembered that it's only Monday today. Still have 4 days to conquer before the weekend. Ugh.

I moved to the innermost side of the sidewalk to get out of the way then fished my phone out of my pocket to check what the time is. It wouldn't open with one click of the power button. Oh, because I turned it off.

I pressed the power button long enough for the logo to show, signifying it turned on. As soon as my phone finished booting up, it pinged with flooded notifications.

All voicemail.

I clicked on the first voicemail and listened to it.

"Hey Lauren, it's Axel. You do remember about the 5 dates we talked about this morning, right?"

I rolled my eyes and listened to the next.

"Hey, I don't know why you're not picking up. I'm sorry I asked for your number from Harper."

"Lauren, come on, we need to discuss this. Call me back."

"Do you have any idea how many girls would kill just to talk to me and you're ignoring me? Alright, Ms. Grant. If this is how you want to play it, then game on. Get ready for our dates. I guarantee you'll fall for me."

I scoffed at his remark. The audacity of that egotistic son of a bitch. What's with him and bets and dares and now a game? Huh, I guess Hailey made more sense than I thought.

Alright then, Axel James. Let the games begin.

How to Date an AssholeWhere stories live. Discover now