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Nyxis woke up with a different kind of pain

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Nyxis woke up with a different kind of pain. It's something that reached deeper than bones and flesh. It squeezed his heart and constricted his throat. In short, he's not going to get better with that kind of a pain in his soul.

He pushed himself off his rock and went out of the cavern and into the next one which he labeled as the kitchen and dining hall rolled into one. The girl was not there. He checked the cauldron for something to eat. The fire was cold and the dark cauldron was empty. Now that he thought about it, the sea was quiet right now. The roar of the water was nowhere to be heard.

Nyxis moved to the stacked kegs. With the current state of his arms, he could only move them up and down so lifting lids was not a problem. The first keg, the one closer to yet another curtained doorway, contained a foreign fruit even for him. He picked one up and studied its red, pointy surface. It's like swinx fruits but its spikes weren't spikes at all.

He smelled it once and a sweet aroma filled his nose. Was it edible? He was about to pop one into his mouth when a voice screamed from behind. "What are you doing? That is not how it is eaten!"

Nyxis turned to see the girl carrying a basket load of ocean produce and, yes, more seaweeds. Blood drained from his face at the sight of the greenish weed that only grew on the seabed. Monsters, the lot of them. The slender stalks swayed as the girl put the basket aside and trudged towards him.

She took the spiky fruit from him and popped it open with her thumbs. It gave a satisfying plop! before giving way to a fleshy pink delight inside. The girl hefted it from its spiky shell and laid it in his palm. "Eat no more than two or you will end up with a bad case of loose bowels," she warned.

"Did you try it?"

The girl glared at him. "Shut up."

She turned away from him and attended to her catch. Nyxis chewed the fruit, its sweet flavor exploding in his tongue and coating his mouth. He watched the girl wrestle with a large animal that looked like a fish but longer, bigger and...eviler.

The girl kept deliberate care in avoiding teeth as long as Nyxis's shortest finger. She grunted as she grabbed hold of its tail. It flopped around and smacked her on the nose, sending her to her rear. "Stay still, you slimy mongrel!" she screamed as she lunged for the creature once more. "I want to eat you!"

The eel gave a silent cry of indignation and continued flopping around more violently than the last time. The girl growled. A small smile had been plastered on Nyxis's face for gods knew how long. It's just so...silly.

"Do not just stand there!" the girl screamed at him, jarring him away from his reverie. "For Ytrin's sake, help me out here or we would not be eating on time!"

Nyxis snapped out of his amusement and looked around. There's something with him that always helped him in times like these. Where...? "Did I fall with something when you found me?" he asked the girl.

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