2 | Lost (I)

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April Sylkrana slammed her hands on the long table, startling the whole horde of advisers seated with them

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April Sylkrana slammed her hands on the long table, startling the whole horde of advisers seated with them. "What do you mean you can't find him?" she growled at the Eastern General who just reported that her brother was nowhere to be found east. "He's literally been where you were assigned!"

"M-my lady—"

"April, my dear," the Sovereign interjected, cutting the Eastern General off. "Youth is essentially the absence of patience. Do sit down and we will discuss this further."

"No, I'm done discussing with a bunch of maggots who clearly don't know how to keep an eye on someone who is so easy to track with the Virtakios with him!" April drew up and massaged her temples.

This method usually worked when she was dealing with her useless counselors back at Falkirta. She made grown men cry as part of a fun exercise to get them to follow. She's going to be the next High Queen, for Crintine's sake. She's not going to go soft just because she's working with the Synketros now.

These people were under her just as much as her advisers were in the Floating City. If she's not going to be firm, no one would respect her. No one would surely treat a child her age seriously if she's going to follow what her maids say about being demure.

No. Demure would get her a partner. Demure would not get her a crown.

The Seelie Court maintained its stand regarding April's succession to the Imperial throne. Catch the criminal responsible for the previous High Queen's murder and April would get what she wanted.

Nevrin Sylkrana. Their mother.

April's stomach soured as she turned to the Sovereign who sat at the head of the long table with her chin propped on entwined fingers. A dismayed and annoyed expression painted the leader's face.

Well, let her be annoyed. Without April's help, they wouldn't even know where Cardovia would strike next. It's thanks to her wings that they were able to hold their claim on Lanteglos. Without her, their underprepared explosives would have burned their own army to the ground.

If anything, they needed April more than she needed them. Information about June was all she asked from them and these mercokis weren't delivering as she expected them to.

"April, do sit down," the Sovereign's soft voice bled through the hall's expansive walls. "I'm sure General Rolim doesn't mean to let your brother slip through the borders."

April saw the pointed look the Sovereign gave the Eastern General who whimpered before schooling his face into a neutral grimace.

"My brother is good with disguises and he can make anyone believe his lies if he wills it," April crossed her arms as she strode back to her seat. "These people wouldn't have known that."

The Sovereign's eyes flashed. "I'm sure they'll be learning soon enough," her tone slowly honed to an edge. She turned to a woman with long dark hair seated to her right. "General Ril, have you heard of the Death Knight?"

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