Chapter thirty-one

Start from the beginning

"Investigate?" Oliver furrowed his eyebrows. "We are not some crime-fighting duo, Leah!"

"What's going on?" Lily stood in the bedroom doorway.

"Did I wake you?" Oliver looked at Lily. "I'm sorry. Go back to sleep. I will stay silent." He glanced at Leah.

"It's okay. We actually need to get ready." She stepped into the living room.

"Get ready?" Oliver furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yes. The police station, remember?" She stopped by the couch backrest in front of Oliver.

"Yeah." He rubbed the back of his neck. "How did you sleep?" He lifted his head to look at the girl.

"Great." She smiled and traveled toward the kitchen. "I will make coffee." She stopped at the kitchen doorway and turned around. "You drink coffee, right?"

"Yes. Especially these days." He glanced at Leah. "Black with one spoon of sugar." Lily nodded in response.

Oliver escorted Lily with his eyes and stood up from the couch. He moved toward the corridor.

"We didn't finish talking!" Leah said as Oliver reached the living room arch.

"There is nothing else to talk about. Do not follow me to the bathroom," he warned her firmly.

"Mister Brown!" the man shouted. "What brings you here today?"

The detective slid his left hand through his short black hair as he came closer to Oliver. He seemed freshly shaved and wore a white shirt with gray pants. His dull tie swayed to the sides as he stretched out his left hand to Oliver.

Oliver stood up from the white plastic chair. "Detective Rodriguez. I was actually looking for you." He shook the man's hand in greeting.

A heavy file occupied the detective's right hand, and he retook the papers to his left one as soon as Oliver let go of it.

"Were you?" Oliver nodded in agreement. "It seems you were just sitting here and relaxing." The man motioned to the line of chairs. "Why were you looking for me?"

"I want to talk about my sister's case."

"What about it?" The man raised his thick eyebrows.

"Any new leads or information?" Oliver stuffed his palms into the pockets of his black jeans.

"Your sister's case is closed, as you know."

"The news announced that you reopened the case." Oliver tilted his head to the right side.

"Which day's news are you referring to, Mister Brown?"

"I don't know." Oliver rubbed the back of his neck. "I think it was two days ago."

"Well, you should watch the current news, Mister Brown." The man stepped closer. "That report was false, and they apologized for their mistake." The detective looked up at Oliver. "Your sister's case remains closed." Rodriguez stepped aside. He turned from Oliver and walked further to the narrow corridor.

"What about Lily Miller?" Oliver asked, forcing the detective to turn back at him.

"What about her?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"The news said she is missing."

"That was also misleading news." Rodriguez walked closer to Oliver. "It's quite a coincidence that Lily Miller and you, Mister Brown, came into the station on the same day and at the same time." He raised his eyebrow.

"Life is full of coincidences, detective." Oliver gestured with his hands.

"I can't agree with you there, Oliver."

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