{23} Might As Well Read A History Book

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Okay everybody pause for a second and listen up- I got something to share. 

This story has been on my page for three years, and for almost two of them it stayed dormant with no updates, and no readers. I thought about deleting it but I really loved Cassie too much, I loved all the characters and the story too much to delete it -one of the first stories I ever posted on Wattpad. 

Then I think it was July or something last year, or after that, that I finally updated. You know why? Because someone had read it, and they commented that they really loved it. And I realized that they loved it as much as I did. The person who commented is user ewright1. Now this might seem weird but, they got me out of the funk this story was in, they gave me the fire to write about Cassie again. Not only did they comment and simply love my story, but they helped me further the plot, and personally wrote the prophecy that is stated in this chapter. 

I just wanted to say thank you so so much for clicking on this story, not just to ewright1 who deserves a lot of it, but to every reader who clicks on one of my stories. It means a lot to me, and I love you guys so much. You're the reason I've grown to love writing so much. Without you guys, I wouldn't be at the level I'm at. 

Thank you doesn't seem like enough. So have a chapter, and look forward to the ones that follow. Cause I know I do :)

Read on.


Crouching down in the corner of my Dad's workspace, sounds of fighting and arguing echoed back to me as I hunched over and kept myself as small as possible. The papers in my hands were getting crushed, so I spread them down on the ground and flattened them.

A small circle of light illuminated the words, so I decided not to beat around the bush. 

I peeked around the corner, but couldn't see any of them.

I figured I had a few minutes. And I was always fast at reading.

'I was working on Olympus when I met Aphrodite. Even back then, I was good with manipulating the mist, I'd be up there watching the mortals and making sure that they didn't see what was actually happening. I also used to work security jobs for some of the minor gods and goddesses. 

Ares didn't really approve of my work, but I was one of the few sons of his that managed to make it past the legal drinking age without dying. I'd had my share of quests and scrapes, but I hadn't died -and that's what mattered to my father. That I was a survivor. And he was proud of that. My father came to me one day, said that he had a job for me, and that it would be a chance to prove myself to him. Of course at the time, I had wanted to show Ares that I wasn't a complete dud, so I accepted the job before he even told me what it was. 

'Aphrodite was to be going down into the mortal world; she wanted to mix with a particular group of mortals- celebrities of their time. And Ares would not let her go without a protector. So he sent me to her, and I met her for the first time in her temple on Olympus, and instantly I understood why Ares was so enamored with her. 

To me it looked like she had long, beautiful strawberry blonde hair. It looked like a waterfall of silk and was about as soft as that. She appeared taller than any other woman I'd met, and her eyes! They were so amazing, they glittered with every colour that you could possibly imagine- Aphrodite (your mother) was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

'And that was my problem. She was in the mortal world for years -time moves completely different to gods and goddesses, and because I'd spent a very long time among them, I'd began to see it the same way the gods did. To me the mortals were beneath my company, and most certainly beneath Aphrodite. I watched her for two years, flourishing amongst the rich, famous and glamorous, she drew them in like moths to flame, and eventually... she drew me in. 

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