{10} And He Conspires Against Me

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I decided that the chapter I just uploaded and was a might small so here's a present for you.



I slept in front of the fire that night.

I slept curled up with a blanket over my shoulders and a blanket as a pillow.

It was surprisingly comfy.

Leo slept sitting up next to my head.

He said he wanted to keep me company out there.

Anyway the sun was just about to come up when I woke.

I would have gone back to sleep if I hadn’t thought about the gossip mill.

What would people say if they saw that Leo and I slept out near the fire and not in our cabins?

So I sat up and stretched.

It was cold outside and my still bare feet were freezing.

The girl had disappeared

I gently shook Leo awake.

“Dumpy walrus!” He yelled after jerking awake, me? Well I cracked up laughing.

He laughed too, “oh? You’re gonna laugh at me? You’re gonna laugh at me?” with this he preceded to poke me in the ribs. I was very ticklish there and of course I tried fighting off the laughter but I couldn’t help it; I just sat there laughing.

Which was not something I normally did.

We only stopped when we heard somebody cough.

I turned to the sound, expecting it to be someone I didn’t like.

But it was only Percy and Annabeth. They were standing there smiling and holding hands.

Leo and I shot straight up. Feeling embarrassed for being caught.

Caught for what? I asked myself, we weren’t doing anything.

But I still thought like we were caught doing something.

“What’re you guys doing up this early?” Percy asked,

Leo grinned; I knew he trusted them both not to tell anyone, “We kind of slept out here.” He cupped the back of his neck with his hand.

Annabeth smiled at me, “Well I’m glad you found your way back to camp, Cassie. We almost went looking for you after last night.”

I looked at the ground while biting my lip, “I didn’t want to be found. And I didn’t want to sleep in the Aphrodite cabin . . . I still reckon I’m an idiot for not putting on shoes, though. Look, my toes are almost blue.” And they were, “I’m going back to shower and change. I have to put something on my feet before they get frostbitten.”

They laughed.

On impulse, I turned to Leo and kissed him on the cheek before running out of the pavilion.

I was smiling when I tiptoed around the sleeping forms of the Aphrodite campers. I went to my bed and collapsed face down on the sleeping-bag. I made sure that my toes were completely covered before I zonked out again.


I always had weird prophetic dreams.

But this one –I had to say- took the cake.

I was watching an exchange between four people. Three were men and one was a woman.

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