{4} Quit it with the mystery, it's making me itch

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Chapter 4: Quit it with the mystery, it's making me itch.

“Annabeth! Brother! She’s waking up!” I heard a childlike but very deep voice yell out.

I opened my eyes and what I saw almost made me go back to sleep.

There was a guy with brown hair, he was huge and he had one calf brown eye.

One eye.

Definition, Cyclops.


I shot up and jumped with my back to the wall.

My hands shot out to protect myself.

Four people including Tyrone surrounded me; I looked around, searching for a way out. There was the fire escape, but I’d have to jump on the huge garbage dumpster to reach it. I contemplated going around the people, I was fast, so maybe I could outrun them.

“Calm down Cassie, we’re not going to hurt you.”

I look at the woman who spoke.

She looked maybe four years older than me, she had blond curls, piercing grey eyes and she wore jeans and an orange t-shirt. She looked smart.

I looked at the man on her right. He grinned a lopsided smile at me. He had ocean green eyes and black hair that was messy and pointed in every direction.

Both looked four years older than me, and I’m seventeen.

I looked at the Cyclops, he was massive and I had to look up to see his sheepish expression.

Tyrone stood there without his crutches (I didn’t understand how he stood) and no pants . . .

But he had goat legs.

Goat legs.

Definition, Satyr.

“What happed?” I demanded, my voice had always been convincing, I was always able to get people to tell me what I wanted them to.

The woman and the man looked at each other, (they were probably together, I had a sixth sense for these things) then the woman looked at me and said, “The monster is dead, you killed it.” Then she looked at me. “We have to get her to camp. It’s too dangerous for her here. I’m Annabeth.”

I nodded and said, “Cassie. Where’s the camp?”

“Long Island.” The man immediately replied.

Annabeth looked at him with a calculating expression, she then appraised me.

“He’s Percy, and that’s his brother Tyson. And you already met Tyrone.”

I glared at Tyrone as we walked out of the ally.

“What do the people in the school think?” I asked Annabeth.

“Well Percy and I were able to manipulate the Mist; they think that an earthquake caused it.”

“Mist?” How did they manage to convince them that? What did they mean by Mist?

Percy looked sympathetic as he said, “we’ll explain when we get to camp. You get to meet everybody.”

I didn’t know who everybody was, and I sure as hell didn’t want to make any friends. “Look I don’t think any of them will like me very much. Neither do I care.”

Annabeth smiled, “don’t worry; I’m sure they’ll love you. And I think I know who your Mom is.”

Slow down, I thought, “Mom? I don’t know who my mom is; I grew up at the orphanage.”

She raised an eyebrow, “really? That explains a lot.”

“Could you please stop being so cryptic?” I grumbled at her, I was getting more and more pissed off by the second.

Something was really wrong here. I just had to find out what.

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