{16} Singing In The Rain

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Hey guys- Look I know it's been an extremely long time, but Cassandra's Curse seems to be picking up speed with new people decided to read with makes me massively happy. So I've dedicated to try and update more of this okay? Because I miss Cassie sometimes :) 

Zianna and Leo too. 

This chapter is dedicated to ewright1, for getting me back on the bandwagon and keeping me on the straight and narrow, I owe you alright? 

 Comment please?



"I had this prophecy a while back, I was at home in my room painting when the Oracle took over, when she left I was left with this painting- here it is."

It was a series of four coffee-coaster sized canvases, each with a small picture on it. The first one was a dove, and like the one that flew around me in my claiming, it was blood red. There was a drawing of a spear at the bottom of the canvas, underlining the words 'The Charmspeaker.' 

The next one was a picture of a heart; like as in a real live body-part that kind of heart, only where it should be red and pink, it was different shades of blue. I have to step closer to see, but the viens in and around it look like little rivers. Like the other one there are words at the bottom, 'The Rivers Heart."

Then the next one is fire, that's all it is, with the words 'Son of Flames' written in cursive at the bottom. The last one is weird, with a midnight black background with a very detailed picture of a scull and crossbones on it, like an advanced design of a pirate flag with the words 'The Living Death' at the bottom.

I chew on my lip, narrowing my eyes at the last one, "I assume that these are significant somehow." 

Rachel looks at me as if it should be obvious, "Well I guess that these each represent someone that will evetuall go along with you on your quest. Such as here-" she points to the heart, "I'm guessing that this is your Naiad. And this one is you, just from what I know," she points to the red dove, "you can use Charmspeak right?"

"Yeah ..." I'm still studying the skull.

Then Leo pipes up from next to me, "Okay, that would make me 'Son of Flames'- then who's 'The Living Death'? Sounds pointlessly dramatic."

Zianna rubs at spot on her face and walks really close to the painting, "Any children of Hades that we know of?"

I shrug but Leo facepalms, "Oh I'm an idiot."

"True but why this time?" Zianna wastes no time in repling. 


"Ummm ... who's Nico?" I look around at eveyones faces, they all look more informed than I do which frustrates me. 

"Kind of hard to explain really, " Leo gives me the shifty eyes. Okay extremely long story behind that one, "But he is a son of Hades. Rachel, does this mean that Nico joins up with us at some point?"

Rachel shrugs, "I'm just the messenger."

I scowl, "helpful."

She crosses her arms, eyeing Zianna as she walks around the rest of the gallery, "So you, a naiad and a son of the guy you're trying to hunt down your demigod dad who went missing, and decided to come all the way down here for the prophecy I just gave you because Chiron made you swear on the Styx." Rachel's doubtful voice makes me roll my eyes again.

"Yep," Leo leans back against the wall, making a popping sound with the 'P'. 

I put my head on his shoulder, eyeing Zianna as she drinks some of her water. 

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