{2} Unfriendly

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Pic on the side is Percy



New week of school.

I really hated Mondays.

Half way to my locker, I heard a voice call out my name, “Cassandra, can you come in here please?”

It was the principal’s office.

My first thought was, oh shit, what did I do now? See, I was always in trouble for punching people or kicking them where I felt they deserved it. I tried to figure out what I did to make them want me in the Principal’s office.

But a guy with curly hair, a pair of crutches and a wisp of a goatee is all that was standing there. He looked surprised.

There we went again.

The Principal turned her head to face me as I walked in.

“Ah, Cassandra, this is Tyrone. He’s new here and I would love it if you showed him around.” She looked at me expectantly.

I sighed, not this again.

I crossed my arms and said, “Fine”.

She pursed her lips as all adults did.

“Cassandra, make sure he feels welcome.” She called after me when I left the room.

The guy followed me as I walked back up the hall.

“So, do you always get these jobs?” Tyrone asked curiously,

I made a funny face, “yes, they think it will help me make some friends.” I turned around and stopped when we reach the door.

I faced him, “let me get this straight. I will show you around but I don’t need or want any friends.” I stalked in and scowled at Lana (the bully) and Ruby (her sidekick). I took up my normal seat in the back as Tyrone came in (he didn’t walk as he used the crutches).

Mrs. Lynch, our homeroom teacher, introduced him and asked us to make him feel welcome.

But the reaction of the class was the same as it was when I was introduced.

I was surprised.

He seemed like the kind of person they would want in their clique.

He just smiled at their looks of disgust.

He walked (let’s say he walked not limped because he didn’t look like he actually does limp) over to the seat next to me.

To the shock of the class, and to my own frustration, he plonked himself on the seat next to me.

I shot a glare at him. “What the hell are you doing?”

He faced straight forward, “What colour are your eyes?” he said.

I had no answer to that.

I let out an angry huff of air and placed my elbow on his knuckles and dug in.

Nobody wanted me as a friend.

I never wanted anybody as a friend.

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