{9} Sleeping in the Cold

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Okay this chapter is one of my favourites, so I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! It's something a bit lighter preparing you for the emotional stuff next chapter *hint hint*



I made my back through the forest. Not sure whether I was lost or not.

But I soon saw the camp fire very distantly.

There was only one person sitting there keeping the fire going.

I walked over there, sat down and stretched.

The girl stoking the fire handed me a blanket. “You look cold.” She stated.

I wrapped it around my shoulders, “Thank you.”

I looked at the flames.

They were turning a maroon colour.

The girl looked impressed. “Wow, you must have very confused emotions for the fire to be heating up like this.” She commented.

I just stared at the fire, “Well, it’s been a confusing day.”

“I heard,” She replied.

I snickered.

“You okay?” I heard Leo’s voice behind me; I wrapped my arms around my knees.

Leo sat next to me with his own blanket.

The fire turned purple.

The girl giggled.

“I’m fine,” I said, ignoring the girl.

“You don’t look fine,” He said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

I shrugged it off. I was not in the mood for any guy trouble. Though I did like Leo a lot.

The purple flames got brighter.

The girl giggled again.

I ignored her again, “I don’t want to sleep in the Aphrodite cabin. I don’t want to sleep. I’m just gonna stay here all night.” I told him.

He just put his arm around my shoulders again. I didn’t shrug it off.

“Well I wouldn’t want you to feel lonely.” He moved closer,

“Good for you. I’m used to being lonely.” I retorted, glaring at the flames.

“Now I have to keep you company because that’s just sad.” He hugged me closer.

I sighed.

Then my mask broke.

I felt the back of my nose tingle. That always happened when I was about to cry. And that hardly ever happened.

I leaned into Leo, “Leo . . .” I whispered, “Why did he leave me alone?”

He knew who I was talking about, “I think he was scared of raising a kid. He probably wasn’t ready.”

I took a deep breath.

The flames were really high and hot.

The flames were a very deep purple.

The girl pulled out a bag of marsh-mellows.

“That’s a good guess,” I said, “When did you think about it?”

“I was working in the forge. I saw someone walk past and the flames made their hair glow. I knew it was you.” Our faces were so close, our noses were almost touching. He lent forward but I turned my head to the side and looked away.

I thought he would hate me but he laughed, “Nice kick to the Ares table by the way, I thought Clarisse was gonna have kittens.” He laughed again.

The flames died down a little. As if they were disappointed.

The girl sighed, as if she wanted something to happen.

Next time maybe, I thought towards them both.

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