{24} Twisted Legacy

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Tbh. Hopefully this is one of the last chapters. Gods I hope so. Just so I can get this done for you guys who have stuck with me since I posted this back IN 2012. IT'S BEEN FOUR YEARS. Wtf... no way ... it can't have been. That's too long to keep ya'll waiting. I'm terrible.

Anyway, COMMENTS MAKE MY BLOOD CONTINUE FLOWING. So pretty please? Comment? Let me know what you think?

REad on!


'The Rivers Heart, the Living Death. One will take their final breath.' The words of the prophecy instantly echoed back to the front of my mind as my friend collapsed. I'd dragged her here, I couldn't loose her. Zianna couldn't take her final breath. 

 My first response was to rush towards her. She'd collapsed onto the shaking, unstable ground of the volcano and there would be no moving her until she got some water in her.

"Nico!" I yelled, "Help!" He rushed to my side, but as he crouched down I got a glimpse of his face. 'The Living Death,' that had to be him, right? Would he take his final breath or would it be her? Damn, these prophecy's had me second guessing everything!

He looked slightly fearful, "Look, I'm the sun of Hades not a miracle worker. Do I look like Percy Jackson?" He grumbled, glaring into the empty water bottle. 

I clenched and unclenched my fists nervously, glancing around the still constantly vibrating cavern before turning urgently back to Zianna. The words of the prophecy seeming to play on a loop in my brain, "Nico is she-"

"She's not dead that much I know." He declared, throwing the bottle to the side. 

So who's going to take their final breath? Then the rest of it, the last passage that Garth had left out that Aphrodite had regretfully told me with her eyes -so much like mine- teary and worried at the same time. 

Who are we going to leave behind, to stay ahead? 

Urgh! I couldn't afford to be distracted right then! "So we just need to get her out of here."

"How in the Hades to we-"

Suddenly a roar echoed through-out the cavern, far louder and more animalistic than the roar of the sudden earthquake. 

Garth and Hephaestus ceased their frantic scramble for weapons and cast their eyes to the mouth of the volcano. Where, the most convenient thing was swooping down from the sky like a great-winged-and-claw-shaped miracle. Bob the griffon was screeching at the top of his lungs, doing a circle of the mouth of the volcano before flipping and tipping into a dive. 

With a joyous screech he landed before us, and tipped a wing down, glaring at us as if to say 'get on with it!' 

"Get away from it Cassandra!" Garth yelled from across the cavern. Ignoring him, Nico and I rushed to get Zianna onto Bob's back, "Take care of her." I ordered seriously, "Get her to water," Bob squawked and then took to the air. Escaping with our unconscious friend.  

Leo ran up to me, a tray of jars in his arms, "I had to quickly whip these up," He shouted over the rumbling, "They'll do." 

"Yeah!" I agreed, grinning. I hefted my shield and sword up, ready to fight whatever was coming for us. 

A crack erupted under our feet, rupturing the ground in an ear-splitting rumble. Suddenly, all the shaking stopped, and it was so silent in the volcano that I could still hear Bob's wing beats as he retreated into the sky.

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