Chapter 17

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Hello loves! I know it's been so long since I've last updated but here it is! I just wanted to let you know for their appearances in this story I'm picturing 2012 Louis and 2013 Harry but with loose curls instead of the quiff and minus the ink for both of them. Vote and comment if you like the chapter. Love you! 

P.S. The reason this is dedicated to my friend is cause she told me to so I did. 

Louis' POV

I awoke to sun shining through the window and loud bustling down stairs. It was still early so I knew it was Dais and Phee probably rummaging around in the kitchen trying to make breakfast without mum's help. I had to get down there before they lit the kitchen on fire. I wasn't really one to talk having almost done that multiple times. 

I tossed the covers off me before sighing and padding down the stairs. When I walked into the kitchen I was met with a strange sight. Daisy was standing on the counter reaching into an open cabinet for cups and passing them down to Phoebe who was running around the kitchen setting the table and tearing ingredients out from the pantry and fridge. 

"What is going on in here," I asked them with wide eyes. 

Daisy passed the last cup to her sister before bending down and jumping down expertly. I shot her a questioning glance before looking back to Phee who had begun to answer my question. "We're making breakfast," she said before getting out a pan though not without a slight struggle as she tried to pull it out from under three others. 

I lifted up the pans for her and placed them back down when she got the one she wanted out. "Why don't you leave that to me? I'll make breakfast and you two can watch telly," I said hoping to appeal to them. 

"We want to help," They said in unison. I knew there was no discouraging them and gave in almost immediately to there pleading stares. 

"Fine, but you let me handle the stove," I said to them sternly. They nodded and things went a lot faster with their help. I didn't even have to move anywhere I would just ask them to get something for me and they would be holding it out to me the next second. 

Not half an hour later I placed a large plate of scrambled eggs on the counter in front of them along with a plate of bacon and a tall stack of toast. I poured them each a glass of orange juice before making myself some tea. 

Lottie came down next sniffing the air and she grinned widely when she saw the bacon. Mum came down next with a fond smile looking at all of us. "Thank you all for making this lovely breakfast," She said placing a kiss on each of our heads too. 

Not long after, breakfast was all finished and set on the table. Everyone was either sitting or standing around the kitchen counter chatting away about their days plans. I ate quietly listening to Fizzy explain how this was the day she was going to catch a fish even if she had to sit out there all day. 

"Just make sure to wear sunscreen, it's going to be hot today," Mum said taking a sip from her coffee. "What about you Lou? What are you doing today," She said realizing I hadn't said anything. 

"Oh um just going to the movies with a friend," I said vaguely. I loved my mom, I really did but sometimes she was a wee bit embarrassing. I wasn't sure I wanted her to know about Harry anyway seeing as how we had just met each other a couple weeks ago and technically had our first kiss less than two days ago. 

"That's nice. Do I know them?" She questioned. 

"No, I met them only a couple weeks ago," I said telling her a part of the truth. 

"Ok, well have fun," I exhaled a silent sigh of relief before going ruffling each of my sister's heads and kissing mum on the cheek and then bounding up the stairs. I had a couple hours before Harry would be here so after picking out my outfit, black skinny jeans and a navy short sleeved shirt, I climbed up to my secret hiding place and finished I Sleep Naked. It was a good book and by the end I had felt a roller coaster of emotions. 

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