Chapter 10

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So the 23rd was.....eventful. So was today honestly. Tell me your take on things in the comments. Hope you enjoy this chapter! Love you all ❤

-Victoria xo


Louis' POV

Waking up this morning knowing I would have to face Harry was torturous. I knew I couldn't face him without feeling hurt, embarrassed, and whole other crap ton of emotions. Twisting my head around to look at my clock I saw that I had 15 minutes before I had to get up. At least now I could stay in the warm cocoon of my covers for a little bit longer. 

After trying and failing to fall asleep again I tossed my covers off my body and sighed. My feet touched the cold floor and I shivered slightly as I made my way over to the bathroom for a shower. After washing away all remains of my tears from last night I hopped out of the shower and changed into fresh clothes. 

I heard voices coming from the kitchen as I walked down the stairs and I could tell it was my mum and Mark. "I don't know if I should let him go today Mark. I just want to protect my Boobear," 

"Jay, he's almost 17. He can make that decision himself. He's a tough boy, he'll be alright," 

"I know, I know. He'll always be my little boy though," Hearing my mum say that tugged at my heart strings. She was really the best and most supportive mother anyone could ask for.

"Morning," I said strolling into the kitchen. 

"Hey sweetie. How are you feeling?" My mum asked me with a concerned voice. 

I tensed a little remembering yesterdays' events but mumbled out a 'Fine,' as I reached to get a bowl to distract myself from wave the sadness that briefly washed over me. After pouring some Coco Puffs into a bowl and grabbing a spoon I looked up to see my mother still looking at me with drawn eyebrows and a small frown. "What? Do I have something on my face?" I asked swiping at my chin with the back of my hand. 

"No, it's just," she sighed, "Never mind. It's not important," 

"Okay," I said dubiously but dropping the topic nonetheless. 

A quick glance at the clock told me that I was running a little late and I quickly scraped the remaining Coco Puffs into my mouth before dropping my bowl into the sink and dashing out of the room with a rushed 'Bye, love you' to my parents. I jogged to the front door and grabbed my bag before exiting the house and slightly slamming the door behind me. 

The bright sun immediately made me want to take my shirt off but as I got in the car I blasted the air conditioning and felt my body start to cool. Much better. I pulled out of the drive and began to move down the dirt road. After about five minutes I pulled into the camp parking lot and quickly found a spot. As I was grabbing my bag from the seat next to me I saw Harry's car pull into the parking lot. Jumping out of the car I hoped he wouldn't see me but after glancing in the side mirror I found he did see me. I locked my car and walked as quickly as I could to my group praying he wouldn't try to catch up to me. 

As I neared Jamie and Cassie I overheard some of their conversation and it seemed they were having a heated discussion over which would be more fun to live in, Hogwarts or Narnia. I chuckled at how serious they were about this and for a moment I forgot about the pain in my heart caused by Harry. I then felt a light tap on my shoulder and when I saw Harry standing there the pain rushed back. 

"I don't want to talk to you Harry," I said before turning around hoping he would go away. But no, he persisted. 

"Louis I-" 

I whirled around cutting him off by saying "I said I don't want to talk Harry," I still felt hurt and betrayed by him and him coming up to me not even twenty four hours after getting rejected just felt like he was rubbing salt in my wound. 

"I-I. Ok," He said with a look of hurt and defeat on his face. I watched his figure disappear over the hill before I turned back to Cassie and Jamie. They both had stunned looks on their faces and Jamie looked absolutely gobsmacked. 

"Um, don't you like him?" They asked turning to Cassie for confirmation which she gave with a agreeing nod. 

"How did you know?"

"Lou," Cassie said giving me a 'really' look. "It was pretty obvious. You always came to work with him and you always smiled and blushed whenever he talked to you. It was actually pretty cute," Jamie nodded in agreement with Cassie's statement. 

I sighed before replying to them. "Can I tell you guys at lunch?" They shook their heads hesitantly with worried and confused looks before getting distracted by the campers that started arriving. 


Shit. I completely forgot we had boats today. Lunch had just ended and after glimpsing a look at our schedule to see where we going next I felt my stomach drop. Did the world hate me? We had a double period of boats. And boats, was the activity Harry just so happened to work at. Wonderful. 

"Hey Lou," Jamie said coming up to me.


"You still have to tell me and Cas what happened between you and Harry," 

I sighed before saying "Alright. I'll tell you before we go out," Jamie nodded before walking over to Cassie and whispering in her ear about something. 

We walked down to the lake and I could feel my nerves bouncing all over my body and my heart was pounding. I could feel a thin sheet of tears really to fall from my eyes and I had to blink them away quickly to keep up my facade of toughness. 

Liam quickly explained the rules of the boats before sending out campers to get life jackets and oars. I turned to Cassie and Jamie and quickly told them what had happened last night. Through it all they stayed silent until Cassie said "I swear if he even he takes a step in your direction..." the rest she muttered under her breath to quiet for me to hear but by Jamie's facial expression I knew it was something I would rather have not heard anyway. 

Leaving Jamie and Cassie to talk amongst themselves I went over to grab a life jacket choosing to go on a boat with campers rather than be potentially stuck on land with Harry. 

Harry managed to leave my mind for the entirety of the time we were on the lake and when I came back to shore Lana, one of the other boat counselors approached me. "Hey Louis," 


"So tomorrow night there's going to be a party for all the counselors here. It'll start at 7 and we'll have a camp fire here at the lake. Do you think you could come?"

"Yeah, sure. It's not like I have anything else planned for a Friday night," I said nodding my head. 

"Great, I'll see you there," she said flashing me a smile as she walked backward towards the shade the boat shed was providing. 


Hello my lovelies! How are you on this fine day? What do you think Lana is planning and what do you think will happen because of it? I hope you enjoyed this chapter and vote and comment if you do! I love reading the comments and they make me laugh! Love you all! ❤

-Victoria xoxo 

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