Chapter 1

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Authors Note : This is my first ever story I've written on here. I really hope you guys like this story and if you do please vote and comment! If you do like this story I'll try to update as often as I can.

Harry POV

Ah, gotta love that fresh summer air. I always loved it up here at the cabin. I got to escape from everybody and have fun. And this was summer was going to be so much fun because I was working at the summer camp down the road. I had been working there for years and even been there when I was young enough to be a camper.

"Harry!" My mom called up the stairs. "Come down for dinner," Tucking my phone away in my pocket I jogged down the stairs and came to the kitchen.

"Anything I can help with?"

"Take these plates to the table please," my mom said handing me two plates of food.

"Will do,"

I was never one to really break rules. Sure I was the most popular guy at school and I was also captain of the football team but I also worked hard for my grades and didn't take advantage of my popularity. My friends on the other hand...not so much. They were always goofing around and skipping school. I had gone with them on occasion but only because I had a reputation to maintain.

I set the plates on the table and sat down waiting for the rest of my family to join me. My older sister Gemma was on her phone (probably texting one of her friends or scrolling though her Instagram), my stepfather was probably outside working on his boat so he could take it out on the water tomorrow, and my mom was in the kitchen.

Just then my mom walked in carrying two plates of food and set them on the table. "Gemma off the phone" she said without turning around as she walked outside to get my stepfather.


After dinner I retreated back to my room. Tomorrow was the first day at camp. I made sure to set out my clothes and pack my lunch before getting in the shower and letting the hot water soothe my body.

I stepped out and wrapped myself in my favorite fuzzy towel. It was only 8:30 so I still had some time before I had to go to sleep. Deciding against my best interest I logged on to Instagram. The first thing I saw was my ex-girlfriend Taylor's posts. She was posing with a group of her friends. It was dark but there were bright lights all around them and they looked like they were out partying. I immediately felt like I had been punched in the stomach.

Taylor and I broke up like 2 weeks ago and she was already partying with her friends? And she had even tagged the photo 'Out partying with the ladies!' How could she be so happy and already out with her friends when I was miserable?

This sucks. And of course I have to get up early tomorrow when I knew I wouldn't be getting much sleep tonight because of the photo.


Authors Note: I hope you liked the first chapter. I know it seems like Harry is straight but I have a plan for later in the story. Please comment and vote if you liked this story and I'll try to update as often as I can! 

P.S. Louis's POV will be next chapter


Ok, I'm rereading some of the earlier chapter's I wrote and oh gosh. I promise it gets better from here on out, the chapters are longer and much more exciting than this. I don't really know what I was thinking when I wrote this chapter but I'll make sure to rewrite this after the story is completed. Love you! 

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