Chapter 3

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Harry's POV

As I walked over to Boats, my assigned activity for the summer, my mind was going in loops over the conversation I had just had. I didn't know what to think, I really didn't. Was I straight, was I bisexual? I had absolutely no clue. All I knew was that I needed something to distract me.

I shook my head as I came to the boat house. I spotted Lana sitting in a plastic lawn chair and I started to smile. Whenever I came to camp Lana was always my best friend and she always felt sort of like an older sister. She was easygoing and calm and never yelled even when she was mad. She had honey blond hair that was messily pulled back into a bun at the top of her head, caramel skin that never seemed to sweat even when we were in the heat all day, and grey eyes that lit up her face.

"Haz!" She yelled when she spotted me. She jumped up from her chair and launched herself at me.

"Ana!" I yelled in the way she had and hugged her waist. "Long time no see! How've you been?" I said setting her down.

"I'm good. I can't believe we got paired together this year! I'm so excited!"

"Me too. I can't wait to push you in the water," I joked, which earned me a fake glare from Lana.

"Not if I push you in first," she said back.

I smirked. "You're too nice for that,"

She laughed and glanced down at her phone. "It's almost 7:45. We should get down to the staff meeting,"

"Alright, let me just set my stuff down and then we can go," I quickly dumped my backpack into another plastic chair and tucked my phone in my pocket before turning to Lana. "And we're off,"

Lana and I were talking and laughing as we walked to the main building which was really just a larger cabin than the ones for the campers. I dropped into a seat as Lana finished the story of how her friend told some old man he looked like Hagrid when they were drunk. I barked out a laugh and shook my head.

Just then Jane, the director of the camp walked in and took her seat at the head of the table. "Good morning everyone and happy first of camp!" Jane began. I could already feel myself starting to zone out knowing I wouldn't have to pay attention until later when I suddenly felt eyes boring into me. I scrunched my nose and turned to the right. When I turned I caught the boy from the office whipping his head down. Was he looking at me?

Suddenly I was very alert and sat up straighter. I snuck a glance at him again and he was looking down, his cheeks red.

For the rest of the meeting I tried my best to pay attention to Jane to distract myself from the boy but my gaze always ended up wandering back him. I had caught him staring once or twice but that was it. Oddly enough, his gaze didn't make me feel uncomfortable, like he was checking me out or thinking anything dirty. More like he was examining my features and trying to know me better by what I looked like.

After the meeting had finished and people were starting to get up, I snuck one last gaze at the boy to find he was also looking at me. I turned away, my cheeks pink from making eye contact with him. To cool myself off I turned to Lana. "You ready to do this?"

"I'm excited actually. I like the activities the most because they get to interact with all the different ages. And also the 1s are sooo cute,"

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