Chapter 9

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Harry's POV

I am an idiot. I could still hear the splash of when I pushed Louis in the lake ringing through my ears. I saw him glowering at me in lake and I heard him swim to the shore where he walked out and away from my frozen in place body. I was too shocked at what I had done to run after him. Or even close my mouth which had dropped open the second I had realized what had happened. I sat on the dock for a while, slowly watching the sun set over the horizon, my mind reeling over my past actions. 

I realized I was crying when I rubbed my eyes and felt the wetness on my hand when I pulled it away. The sun was dipping past the tree line now and a dark blue was slowly taking over the sky, chasing out the red, orange, and pink clouds. I knew that my mom was probably worried sick seeing as I was supposed to be home a couple hours ago. I felt drained from today and felt my body shake with a sad yawn. 

Slowly I got up and made my way back to the rocky shore of the lake going to fetch my bag that was still resting on the side of the lake house before I left. As I walked to the front of the camp I thought about what had happened. I was going to tell Lou that I was bisexual but then he kissed me. I liked the kiss but I ended up pushing him in the lake. Why? Was I not ready, was it just my gut reaction to being kissed by a boy for the first time? I, I really didn't know. 

Because truth be told, I did like him. I have since the first time my light green eyes met his ocean ones. His ocean eyes. And his pretty pink lips, his cute button nose, and his fluffy brown hair. I liked all of it. I liked his rough but high voice when he softly sang songs in the car. I liked the crinkles by his eyes that appeared whenever he smiled really wide or even laughed the tiniest bit. I liked him in the 'butterflies-in-my-stomach-can't-stop-thinking-about-you-make-me-blush-when-you-look-at-me' way. 

But if all of that was true, why did I push him away? Why did I push away the one boy who actually liked me for me and not for my popularity like pretty much every one else at my school. I mindlessly drove home while these thoughts swam around my head, making my temples ache. 

As I pulled into the drive way I could see the lights from the kitchen shining faintly through the windows. I made sure to grab my bag before slipping out of the car and slowly walking to the mahogany door. I quietly slipped in the house careful not to make too much noise. I entered the kitchen without looking at my mother who I knew was sitting at the counter watching my every move.

"Harry Edward Styles where have you been? I have been so worried, thinking something bad happened to you. Why are you only getting home at this time?" My Mom's voice asked calmly but I could sense the anger hidden in her tone. 

"Sorry mom, I guess I lost track of time," I said sniffing a little. Sensing something was wrong my mom walked over to me and engulfed me in a soft hug. I wrapped my arms around her breathing in her scent of lavender. 

"Oh honey what's wrong? What happened?" She asked, concern lacing her voice. She tilted my head to up so she could look at me and noticed my puffy red eyes and salty cheeks. "Oh sweetie, what happened?" she asked softly. 

"Just a bad day, I don't really want to talk about it," I half lied. Today had been a crappy day but I really did want to talk to her. I wish I could tell her about what was going on but I just couldn't, being unsure of how she would react. I'd tell her when I was ready. I pecked her cheek whispering a "Goodnight Mom," before walking to my room, closing the door softly but forcefully. Stripping my clothes I took a quick shower before sliding my boxers on and slipping between my cool sheets. 

I didn't fall asleep thought. Just stared at the outline of my window being shined on the ceiling by the bright moon. I watched it slowly shift across my room, the hours passing slowly. I was exhausted but my mind would't shut up. It kept reminding me of what happened at that Louis surely hated me now. I couldn't disagree with that fact. I had hurt him and I knew it. I knew I couldn't take it back, but I wasn't sure how I could fix it either. 

Finally my eyes starting drooping and I let the darkness consume me having Louis filled dreams that night. 


The next morning

As I pulled into the dirt parking lot I wondered what was today going to be like. Would Louis ignore me completely or act like nothing happened? I don't which was the worse option. 

Climbing out of the car I spotted Louis on the other side of the parking lot walking towards the entrance his back to me. I quickly tried to catch up but he walked to his group before I could get the chance to talk to him. 

Working up the courage I slowly walked over to him tapping his shoulder lightly. Before he registered it was me, his face was open and he had a small smile on his face. But when he did see it was me his face closed up and I was left starring at an expressionless Louis. "I don't want to talk to you Harry," he said flatly before turning back around to his group.

"Louis I-"

"I said I don't want to talk Harry," he said whirling around to face me, hurt and anger flashing through his eyes though his face still remained expressionless. "Just leave me alone," He said sadly. 

"I-I. Ok," with that I turned around and left him there. As I walked to boats I could feel tears threatening to fall from my eyes. I guess Louis really did hate me. And it was all my fault. 

If this was what it was going to be like from now on, I didn't like it. 


A/N: Hello lovely readers! I know this was a short chapter but it had been almost two weeks since I last updated so I thought you deserved something. It's almost one in the morning right now so I figured I would post this before I went to bed. I want to say thank you to all the people who have read, voted, and commented on this story because it is up to 520 reads! You guys mean so much to me and I could not ask for better readers! I love you all ❤

-Victoria xoxo

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