Chapter 14

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What is this? An update? YUP, DEAL WITH IT. Hope you enjoy lovelies! ❤️

-Victoria xo

Harry's POV

Lana said that if she told me plan two I would get nervous. I thought it was doing something embarrassing, not fucking kissing Louis. 

This was really not my night I decided as I stared at Louis who was seated across from me. He was also staring back with his mouth hanging open and his eyes wide. I took a deep inhale before looking back to Lana. 

"Um, do I have to do it?" I asked. It's not that I didn't want to kiss Louis. Quite the opposite actually. I had been dying to kiss him ever since he kissed me. But I just couldn't because of the way I reacted. When Louis told me earlier that it was a mistake I felt my heart drop into my stomach like a stone into water. I couldn't understand what I had done to make him say that. 

Obviously pushing him in to the lake wasn't a good choice but couldn't he see just how much I wanted to be with him. I was always looking at him across the canteen or whenever he was at boats. Whenever I got the chance really. Whenever he looked at me though and saw I was already looking he would immediately look away and pretend it wouldn't happen, sometimes even ignoring me for the remainder of the day. 

Honestly it hurt, him pretending like I wasn't there and avoiding me practically every chance he got. Once, last Thursday I saw him get up to throw his lunch trash away and I rushed to get up too hoping to meet him at the bins but when he saw me rise from me seat he dropped back down into his. 

"Yes you have to," Lana said giving me a confused glance. "Those are the rules Haz," She reminded me. 

"Erm ok. Can I kiss him on the cheek?" I asked hoping to not make Louis hate me more than he already did. 

"Nope, got to kiss him on the lips," Lana said in a firm tone. 

I swallowed thickly before looking up and catching Louis's eyes already starring into mine. "Um," I said awkwardly. "Right here," I said to Lana though my gaze was still locked in Louis'. 

"If you want," She replied. 

"Mhm," I murmured showing that I heard her. 

A minute later and I still hadn't moved to kiss him. We were just staring at each other locked in a battle of wills. I couldn't tell what Louis was feeling, whether he wanted me to kiss him or not or if he would even be comfortable with me kissing him. I didn't want to make him uncomfortable by doing something he didn't want me to. Lana, Cassie, Niall, and Elizabeth were just watching us stare at each other. Elizabeth cleared her throat and whispered something to Niall before both of them got up from their seats and quickly walked away from the circle. I wasn't watching where they went but I assumed it was farther up the hill toward the drinks and food that were still sitting out. 

Shortly after that Lana and Cassie got up and left so it was just me and Louis sitting there staring at each other awkwardly. Slowly I stood up and walked over to the seat next to Louis'. His eyes followed my every move and I felt a little nervous under his gaze. Once I was sitting down I turned to him and licked my lips nervously. I so badly just wanted to reach my hand across and caress his cheek but I didn't knowing he would probably flinch under my touch or slap my hand away. 

"Um, can I," I whispered. 

"Can you what?" He said seeming to snap out of something and realize that I was now sitting next to him. 

"Can I, can I kiss you? I just, um wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable or anything," I said blushing and stuttering madly as I rubbed the back of neck.  

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