Chapter 2 : The Cat's Greeting

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[Reader's POV ]

I got to the mall and looked at it to the roof to the bottom of it.

I checked to see if F/n was there but no one was there.

Not even a animal..

I walked into the mall and heard dripping sounds...It looked abandoned...

Y/n: This is a strange mall...But where is F/n?

You said to yourself. And began to walk forward. You put your clenched hands on your chest and slowly walked even more into the mall. You were scared, lost and it was so dark...

Y/n: F/N?! F/N!!!

You yelled but no answer...But a weird noise
It sounded like a old cartoon theme song.

You thought it was F/n pranking you..

We always pranked each other and we both laughed...

I heard footsteps as I stopped walking..

Y/n: Hello! F/n?! Where are you?!

???: Hello little morsel...

As someone said that you started to run away.

You tried to run the other direction away from the person..

You felt a hand grab your feet. Tugging them..

You got out your phone and shined the flashlight at the creature...What you saw was a cat... a humanoid cat...His iris or eyes were large almost taking up the eye whites..

He has gloves on his hands and a smile..

A sinister grin..almost taking up his face..

I screamed at tried to kick the hands away from my feet..

Hoping he would let go...

????: Wanna play cat and mouse? You're the mouse.. HAHAHAHA

Y/n: PLEASE! Spare me!! I cannot die like this! Please!

You begged for your life, the creature laughed and bended towards you. You stared at him with fear in your eyes

????: Why not start running while you still can with your human legs...I just wanna play with my dinner after all~

Y/n: If you wanna survive, then you have to do this the easy way

You said with a calm voice, the cat stared at you with confusion

????: Now what's that supposed to mean-

You quickly got out your pepper spray that you've always carried and sprayed it towards the creature's eyes, He screamed in pain.

He finally let's you go and you started to run away from the creature's poor sight and presence

[???? POV ]

' Agh! They thinks they're the clever one around here, I guess this is where the chasing begins in this game'

I started to run after them and they looked back at me then started to run faster..

I slowly caught up the them and grabbed their shoulders and slammed them down..

" Well, we had a fun game of cat and mou- "

I looked at their eyes, their iris color were just so beautiful...

I then closed my jaw and then just looked at their hair and skin..

Their h/c was just so smooth and their skin looked smooth too, I began to blush and I got stuck into my thoughts..

' What's wrong with me, Why do I feel all calm towards this human...Well, I gotta admit, they are pretty beautiful.. '

I then pulled them up and carried them in a bridal style, they began to freak out in my arms and started screaming which hurted my little ears


I started laughing when they'd called my arms spaghetti arms

And it is true, my arms are kinda like those human noodles called spaghetti. I made it to my destination and carefully placed them on the floor and I finally got a look at them one more time then left.

[Reader's POV ]

He locked me in a room...Why didn't he devour me like wth

I clenched my fists and started pounding on the door.

A loud banging echoing sound was all I heard from the other end, I yelled in anger and fear..

" Let me out! Let me go home, I just want to see my family again... Please let me out! "
I swear this reminds me of that one feline from why f/n described..
Pounding on the door, again, again and again..

and a man's and woman's scream was all I heard from the other side of the door, and I heard bone's cracking. Chewing sounds. That's when I knew he ate some humans

I soon got afraid and just curled up, I realized I carried my phone with me and dialed 911

Police on the other line: 911, what's your emergency?

y/n: I am being trapped in a room and I am stuck with this guy and he eats humans

police: Describe this person will you?

Y/n: Actually, he's not a person..

police: Excuse me?

Y/n: He is a creature taken as a feline and I heard him eat the flesh of a person

police: Are you on drugs ma'am?

The police officer began to laugh and I heard other people laugh too

Y/n: I do not take drugs, And I never will you stupid ass...

Officer: Say that again or end up in jail

Y/n: Shut the fuck up, and also. You can't since I didn't tell you where I am...

I hung up and then just curled up in the corner


~Cat And Mouse ~ ( Cartoon Cat x reader )Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum