Second storm - downpour

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"When I left, let's just say you didn't leave me in a good place. I had always been alone but when I went to my new school, because of my popularity as a Midoriya, I was suddenly surrounded by people.

I needed friends after such a life changing move and now I could, with all these people seemingly not caring or knowing of my quirkless status.
And so I made friends.

They were cool for the first month. They made some questionable choices but I just refused their invitations and we everything was ok.
It was a month and a half when things began to change.

They began asking me for money. At the time I didn't think much of it, they came up with creative excuses, and after a few months began guilting me into it.

Soon I began to refuse but by then I was dating one of them, a guy called Tyler. I thought I loved him. I thought he loved me.

He brought me to one of his parties. He got drunk and I continued to refuse whatever was offered. Soon he was wasted and he pulled me out of the party. He dragged me into an alley, and he began to assault me."

Memories flashed as tears began to break through as one of my inner most walls began to crumble in front of him.

He pulled me closer, whispering into my ear about how I didn't have to tell him if I didn't want to but promised I would feel better afterward.

"I managed to e... escape before he could do anything major but that was when I realised he didn't love me. He spilled the truth of what he thought about me when drunk and soon said what the others thought of me.

They were fake friends.

He yelled at me, insulted me, touched me. H... he reminded me of you."

I watched Katsuki's heart shatter in his once vibrant eyes at those words, but I softly held his hand, reminding him that he had changed, and the small smile in response was my cue to continue.

"I ran until I reached the house and I broke down in the foyer. Mum found me and helped me. Dad had Tyler expelled but the others couldn't be.

I avoided them and one day of me sitting in the library, avoiding other people, not wanting to make friends, Poppy approached me.

I tried to block her off, not get attached, but she seemed so genuine. She broke down the wall around my trust and weaselled into my life. I've never been more grateful.

She introduced me to the rest of the squad and the others were forgotten. At least I thought they were.

Coming here, finding people who don't like me for being me, I try to hide it but it gets to me, reminds me of them. With all these people getting close to me, it was bound to come out at one point.

I don't blame you if you don't want to be with little, pathetic, broken..."

"Don't you finish that sentence."

I looked up into his crimson eyes, startled. He cupped his hand around my cheek and pulled me close, his other arm pulling me against his chest.

"You are not pathetic and you are not broken. The fact that you are here now is proof that you are strong enough to bounce back. You were strong enough to pursue your dream in a different form. And now you're here, with me, as one of the most successful and popular hero scientists in the world. You are amazing Izuku Midoriya. And don't even get me started on everything you do as Deku. Making support items for heroes? And really popular ones as well?
You are strong and you are powerful. And if you ever feel like this, I'm always in your corner."

His declaration left me with fat tears rolling down my cheeks. I pulled myself into his chest, a tight hug wrapping around him.
I felt his own strong arms around me, responding with their own warmth.

We just sat there, cradling each other and sharing the comfort of another, pure love radiating off of us.
He eventually picked me up, a squeak echoing past my lips as a warm chuckle rumbled past his own. He carried me bridal style to my room, setting me down on the bed.

My mind was still hazy with relief and happiness at Katsuki's response to my spill. The bed dipped next to me, the weight of my boyfriend drawing me closer.

The setting sun cast its golden light through window, the honey-coloured light spilling across the bed and our intertwined legs. The fading light shadowed the room, our heads resting in the shade from the window, the warmth of each other providing the comfort of our sweet silence.

When the sky was alight with pinks and oranges, barely any blue in sight, soft conversation was picked up once more.

"Hey 'Zuku?"
"Yeah Kat?"
"You've told me all this but Aizawa said something about you being kidnapped a lot? I don't want to pressure you but I'm concerned."

A light chuckle ripples through my throat, surprising the man in front of me.

"Yeah I got kidnapped a lot and it hasn't seemed to die down. They were usually petty enough for me to escape on my own but if not I was always rescued within the span of a few days. Some of them were less pleasant but it always resulted in the downfall of the villain. It bothers me sometimes but never too much. That actually kind of built the front I put up at the beginning of class.
It's a can of worms for another time, though."

He just hummed, glad to hear that I was generally alright despite my tendency to get kidnapped once or twice a year.

"Hey, why don't you call me Kacchan anymore?"
"I don't know, it just seemed too... childish? For what we are now. I like Kat better anyway."
A smile graced his usually scowling features.
"Yeah that makes sense."

"Why did you call yourself Deku? It means useless."
I shifted one of my hands to his own, holding the soft but scarred skin.
"I wanted to prove to the world that someone called useless can be strong, be famous, be successful and achieve their dreams, even if it's a variation. That why I chose Deku. It also reminded me of you... before the praise got to your head."

The frown that ghosted across his featured faded with the press of my lips against his. It was a soft kiss, slow, conveying each and every emotion of the night.

We kept it that way.

We pulled away slowly, smiles lighting up.
I pulled his hand close, clasping it with my other, holding onto him.
We gazed at each other, the mutual love so easy to pick up on.

"I love you Katsuki."

His face flushed a brilliant pink and averted his gaze.

"Yeah whatever nerd, Love you too."

I giggled at the blonde, my forest green eyes looking over him with the soft and gentle love we shared. His own expression relaxed at the small outburst of mirth.

Soon, the warmth of the man across from me and the radiating heat in my legs, spreading up my body, prompted my eyes to fall heavy and flutter closed under the comfort.

I dozed off as my scarlet eyed boyfriend watched me with a fondness not many others had seen.

"You are strong Izuku Midoriya, and I won't let anyone else say otherwise."

A/N: ey! Am I writing this in class? Yes. Do I regret it? No.
I'm actually quite proud of this.
I hope you liked the BakuDeku fluff.

Comments are welcome
No hate
Thank you for reading
Bye fox cubs

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