Booming thunder

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-Izuku's POV-

I slip down my goggles as I began to meld the metal together. Once I pulled away, it glowed a hot orange. Pulling my goggles onto my head, I let the metal cool with a controlled stream of water. I sigh, a little frustrated but mostly satisfied with my work.

Even if it was for the wrong people.

Being able to invent like this is a freedom in itself.
They let me do my own thing with the scraps I got from the tech they asked me to build which was actually kinda nice. I think they just want me on their side.
Shigaraki still had the case of parts from the hero, the trade before I got kidnapped. I wonder if he would give it to me if I asked.
"Ey Handyman! Can I ask you something?"
I yelled to no one in particular.
I know he heard it.
"What do you want brat!?" The man in question yelled from the now open doorway.
"You know the case you took from me? I'm sure you've checked it over. It is literally just parts I want to tinker with. Can I have it? You literally monitor me and you can tell that it's just parts I was going to use for something but it's incomplete. I had the stuff at my workshop."
I know I gave him a lot of information but I really wanted that case. It's my parts! I want to use them!
"Yeah yeah whatever you NPC. I'll give you the damn case."
I smiled and he scoffed.
"You know, you're not too bad Shigaraki."
"Whatever you NPC, you're fun to watch."
I shrugged and turned back to the now cool metal. Shigaraki left to get the case.

I wasn't waiting for long before the metal door was pushed open again and the case was tossed to me. I caught it albeit a little clumsily, rattling the parts inside. I place it on the bench, clicking the case open, to see everything was left intact. I turned back to the man at the door who was about to leave.
"Thanks Handyman!"
All I heard in return was grumbling. I grinned.

Ah, oblivious villains.

Time to reek havoc.


I slid the tiny chip into the contraption. I closed the pieces around it, clicking the plastic in place.
My eyes started stinging at the amount of time I'd been awake with a yawn to follow. I was tired. Definitely. I placed the requested invention into the case I used to give them the completed product.
I gathered a two slithers of metal, and another chip in my hands. I grab a sealant, glueing the two metals together. There was an almost unnoticeable lump in the metal. I place down the sealant and take the 4 by 4 cm metal square with me over to the small uncomfortable pallet I had as a bed. My goggles came off along with my gloves and overalls, leaving me in a black t-shirt and leggings. What? I can wear what I want. As I slid off my black overalls, I slipped the metal square into one of the pockets on the inside of the clothing.

Finally laying on the hard pallet, I let exhaustion take hold and my mind drifted into the land of dreams.

Another day gone.

Another day closer.

-time skip-

I awoke with loud bangs of metal. The door.
"You're to come with us! Hurry up!"
I wonder what this is?
I quickly slip on my overalls, grab my gloves, goggles and the case, and dash to the man at the door.
He grabbed my arm roughly and I was dragged along. I could hear loud bangs. Are they under attack?
After the rough handling by the unknown man in front of me, I was stopped short and almost tumbled into him as he halted. He froze. I peaked around his big build.

The Storm - The scientist and the hero (BakuDeku)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن