Show off

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It had been a week before I actually got a class for my teachings. Over this week I had built up files on each of the students quirks and the best way to use them as well as weaknesses and potential support items I have the blue prints for.

No one really knew me too well. As I suspected, none of them had cracked the mask quite yet but the insomniac of a purple head and the ever blunt half-and-half were getting close. I had avoided Kacchan and all his attempts to get me alone to "talk".
I know it's just an excuse to beat me.

Anyway, I sauntered over to the gym they had hero training in, gym beta they called it. I had a bunch of files in my arms, each one for every student. It was heavy. And I was doing 3-B next week. Great.

I barged through the door, my cover of indifference slipping over my face. All heads turned to me. I tried to wave but found that I couldn't while supporting the files that went up to my chin. This hurt but I needed some muscle to do my inventing. I went over to the side and Aizawa re-captured the class' attention.

I dumped the Manila files and sat next to them. I watched the class and grabbed out a notebook. This one was dedicated to 3-A. As ideas formed, my pencil scratched along the pages, each idea spilling onto the page like ink.
I saw Kacchan glance to see me scribbling and an almost fond emotion flickered onto his face before it was promptly extinguished as he focused on Aizawa. Weird. Probably wants me to trust him now so he can break me all over again.


My mind began protesting under the weight of every thought and I immediately went back to scribbling so each could disappear into the pages in front of me.

After a few minutes, I heard Aizawa call my name and my head flicked up. I pocketed my notebook into the satchel I always brought with me, and heaved up the pile of files I had on each student. I walked over with a little difficulty and told them to come up in seat order and take the top file. Aoyama came forward, then Ashido, Tsu, etc. until it got to Shinso and each file was in a different student's hands.

"Don't let anyone but myself, yourself, Aizawa and trusted teachers see these files. They detail weaknesses and possibilities you can add into your combat or style. They're dangerous in the wrong hands. For now, I'll take them back after class but eventually you'll have to keep them yourselves. Hopefully you won't need them and I can burn them."

I had all the notes I had put into the files in seperate notebooks. The one I was scribbling in just now was general ideas surrounding the class. Each of my notebooks was kept in a maximum security volt under the house in America. I only had a few General books with me but bought a lot of new ones for this year. I have a safe in a secret location on campus.

"Open them."

The class gasped at the multitude of information.

"Whoa! He's right, this is a lot."

"How did he get all this from only one week!?"

"He's like a professional!"

"This is more than any quirk councillor I've seen!"

I brushed off the praise.
"Get to work. I'll help if you need details but you can work on what you wish. If you're stuck, I'll give you some tips."

The stood in a silence before Aizawa flared his quirk and they split up over the gym.

Training time~


Bangs were heard from outside the lab as certain purplette and half-and-half'd males approached the room. They glanced at each other sceptically. They usually only heard these reactions from Hatsume from the support course.
Shinso knocked.
It didn't open so he knocked again just to jump away from the door as a loud bang echoed out from the closed room. They opened the door, now extremely concerned for the new member of their class, only to find...

The entire room was covered in glitter.

Gold glitter.


"Oh! Hey!"
A greenette covered in gold glitter stepped into their field of vision as they walked into the glitter covered room. His usually black clothing was now a sparkling gold. A green mask covered his nose down now rested below his chin as he pulled it down. His signature green goggles rested over his eyes and he shifted them off as well to reveal his face with glitter covered black gloves he briefly wiped against his clothes.

"Now I see why you said you were the person blowing up stuff." Shoto deadpanned.
"Mmh, it's easier to hide myself in front of people who will judge." The green and gold boy responded.
"Is this what you were talking about when you were muttering about a mask?" Shinso asked.
"Which one?"
"Which one? I have a few."
"The one that hides your emotions?"
"Oh yeah, that's the one. I put up a mask to protect myself. You two are the first to crack it, minus the staff."
"Will you tell us why?"
His smile slips.
"Maybe another day..."
He glanced up with a bit of surprise.
"Anyway, what are you here for?" He said, his smile returning, trying to rub off all the gold glitter.
"Umm, the support items you put in our files... why did something explode with glitter?"
"Oh, glitter bombs!"
"Do you... do that often?"
"Mmhm, experiment is the best way to get it right after all."
"I'm guessing it's not a usual occurrence to be covered in glitter?"
"Oh it is!"
As they got through the mask and the walls the green-haired male put up, they began to see more of Midoriya's bubbly personality.
"I like using glitter. It lessens the bang when something explodes and so rather than something lighting on fire with a lot of smoke, it's glitter! It works! Also, makes a good bomb to blind someone!"
"Except when you get glitter in your hair."
"Mm, that's true, but I fixed that a while ago." He reached over to grab a small ball on the desk, covered in the gold glitter like everything else.

"Step back and close your eyes, it's going to flash."
They did as he said, turning away as the green boy shifted down his goggles and threw the ball onto the ground. It went off with a bright bang and as the light it emitted faded, it began to reveal a gold-glitter-free room. As the two boys turned back, they observed the clean room in shock.
"Glitter removal bomb!"


"So, the support items?"

A/N: this is an introduction to the class of Izuku's skills and to a certain two, his reckless and explosive experimentation.

Demonstration of my random schedule.

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Thank you for reading
Bye fox cubs

The Storm - The scientist and the hero (BakuDeku)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu