A beam of sunshine

870 28 5

I flipped open one of my notebooks, one full of poems. I flipped to the nearest one, reading through one of my most pride filled creations.

Teenage Love

An exhilarating rush
The flutter of warmth
The pitter patter of your heart
Now pounding in your ears

A soft, tender smile
With nothing but their own
The feeling you can't identify
But never leaves

But then it does
When the door shuts
When the warmth fades
When they leave

Your heart tears
Your throat closes
You are suffocating

The door opens
They stand in the doorway
The weight upon you lifts
Your heart flutters once more

Within your thoughts
Confusion, it clouds
The clear answer to your search
With the vaguest meaning

Yet when the clouds part
You can never be sure
Because every high school 'fling'
Is known to end

Dread fills your mind
You approach them
The moment of truth comes
And it passes

Love has been exchange
You feel like you're in cloud nine
Rejection is your only focus

You just spiral into sadness
The never ending fall
A endless pit
Full of shadows


You take a leap

You jump

And the landing is always unique

The exhilarating rush
The flutter of warmth
The pitter patter of your heart
Now pounding in your ears

Is Love

And Love is delicate
A swirl of emotion
A chance

And those strong enough will take it

I remember writing this when I was 14 in my last year of middle school.

I was dating this boy.

I thought I had found love

Turns out it was some elaborate prank

That built one layer of the walls I had put up

I took the chance that was offered to me, and it dragged me down to a pit of darkness.

I wonder if I'll be able to take that chance again.


*somewhere in the 1-A dorms, Katsuki Bakugo sneezes*

Will I?

A/N: this was a bit of an excuse to put a bit of my poetry in it. Sorry it's short.

I couldn't post yesterday. I kinda broke down and that took a bit to bounce back from.

Umm, I really got nothing else to say.

Comments are welcome
No hate
Thank you for reading
Bye fox cubs

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