Second storm - gathering rains

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I sighed, slipping off my hood, pulling up my goggles.
I had gone on a run as Deku. Unfortunately the gig was a fail, you would be surprised by how many are, and I was hit by a quirk. He was boasting about hitting the infamous Deku before I handed him into the police for illegal quirk use. He had explained the workings of his quirk.

"Hah! Yes! I got Deku! Hahaha how do you feel now Deku! Hah I hit you with my quirk! A reverse-quirk quirk! I can make the person I hit with my quirk, reverse the quirks around them, turning their effects on the quirk's owner! And I got Deku! Ha-"

I had knocked him out after that and dropped him off at the nearest police station.

I kinda want to test this quirk. How long will it last?

I walk out of the lab, getting Alex to lock up, and began to wander the grounds.

My mind began to run over everything that had happened recently, 'Tsuki, the man, the quirk, singing-

Wait, singing?

I looked up from the ground, scanning the forest to my left. Not too far along, there was a girl, with shoulder length, brown hair. She was singing a simple melody, an old song from the early 21st century.
I stopped in my tracks a few metres away.
I knew it was bad manners but her voice sounded so like the actual thing. I wanted to listen.

It was the middle of the song where she started getting louder when a pained expression appeared on her face.

She got through a little more of the song before her voice began to sound strained. The song ended and she gasped, tears now pouring down her face. She pulled her knees towards her, curling in on herself. What going on?

I jogged over and approached her, my hero complex kicking in, getting me to help. Not that I wouldn't.
"Hey, are you ok?"
What the hell, of course she's not ok.
She looked up, her eyes bloodshot.
"Do you want the socially acceptable answer or the real answer?"
I laughed a little but my mouth quickly set into a thin line.
"A real answer would be good."
"But I'm a stranger."
"And I want to help."
She stood on shaky legs.
She whispered a quick "I'm sorry" before walking away.

Not before subtly passing her a slip of paper with my number.

Maybe she'll text rather than talk.

-Sairen Hiru's POV-

I had just walked away from the green-haired boy. Of course I knew who he was. The American transfer who was actually Japanese and was teaching class 1-A, Hisashi Midoriya's son. Izuku Midoriya.

When he had slipped me a paper, out of his sight, I looked over the neat handwriting. His number?
I had walked away because I can't talk to people well. It freaks me out.

Why would he want to listen?

Do I have anything to lose?

I walk to my dorm, greeting the few in the common room but quickly head upstairs, to my dorm room.

Should I text him?


******: Uh hey?

******: this is the girl from earlier

-******-: oh, you. I'm Izuku Midoriya, the guy who gave you his number.

*******: I know you. It's kinda hard not to when you're a famous American transfer.

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