Interview with: KatherineElizabeth writer of Ruin and Redemption

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This chapter has been waiting forever to get published...but between work, home, and other stuff I've not found the time. For that I apologize to Katherine.

Without further distractions ....LET THE QUESTIONS BEGIN!

1) How did you end up on Wattpad?

I found wattpad by searching for a social media site that was geared towards writers. I wanted to make my book available to readers as soon as possible, without having to go through all the hurdles involved in the publishing process. I posted some stuff right away and found some authors I liked, and I've been a memeber ever since. It's been great to get comments and feedback on my writing and on the content of the chapters I've published.

2) Have you been writing for a long time?

 Yes, I've been writing for a long time, but it has been sporadic. I won a few poetry contests in elementary and highschool, and wrote some great essays and speeches in college. My final year of highschool, I was working on a novel but unfortunately did not finish it. I've been working on my two books, one story really, "Reckless Lives" and "Ruin and Redemption" over the past year, and am so grateful to have an outlet to get them to readers.

3) What inspires you to write? 

The stories themselves, the themes and the characters inspire me to write. I hope that readers can gain insight into humanity and compassion for themselves and others by reading my work. I also hope that my work will help to bring insight into spiritual processes which may not be well understood by everyone. But the most important thing is the story, just begging to come out of me and share itself with the world.

4) What types of genre's do you enjoy writing and possibly reading? 

I feel that I have an affinity with the time period before during and after the Civil War in the Southern part of the USA. This familiarity allows me to write about characters who lives during this time with greater ease. Since it is in another time and space within our written history, it fits into the historical fiction genre. I also like writing about dragons, aliens and highschool romance. I enjoy reading very well-written work regardless of genre. I am currently enjoying "Yellow" by Kissing the Sunlight and recently finished up Inamorata by Irish Rose. I love mcoronas historical romances set in England and Australia. And Daniel Kirsh's Diary by OrangeTiramisu is awesome, although she is working on something else right now, so it may be a few months before she gets back to it. Nonetheless, it is extremely well-written. I wanted to mention Margaret Atwood since she recently joined this site, her Handmaid's Tale is excellent.

5) I was reading through your profile and stumbled onto the fact that your a professional long have you been singing? 

 I started teaching myself to sing at a very early age, possibly three or four. In pre-school at Rockhill, my early attempts were referred to as "yelling" and I was sent to the no fun room for disturbing the class. Fortunately, I kept at it, and by age ten at Brookwood, my voice was good enough that my chorus teacher, Mrs. Townsend, let me sing a solo in the choral program, and lots of people liked the way it sounded. Since people started listening to me at age ten, I've been singing for 23 years, and have had several voice teachers.

6) You also mention that you own your own business, Flower Essence Arrangements...  how long have you owned your own business?

 I just started Flower Essence Arrangements this year. I was having a difficult time getting the training I needed to become a yoga teacher, and my boyfriend wanted to keep his band all boy...I felt shut out, frustrated and unable to develop the abilities and skills I wanted to be a success in the music world or the yoga community. I prayed that God show me what I was already good at and what I could offer just as I was with no further training. He led me to the flowers I have always loved. I have made over 75 flower essences from local wildflowers this year, and have taught a few other people how to make them as well. I am blessed that the flower essences have received  a very positive reception from many people who have used them. As an added bonus, I have been able to make several flower essences of particular benefit to the Earth and the environment, and have shared those with others. This is helping to fulfill my ambition to help the Earth in her own healing.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2012 ⏰

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